Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Surprising Stockpile

My new school has a maintenance guy. Last week he was on vacation, so when I needed some touch-up paint for my classroom, I went looking in his office. After some searching, I found it. I also saw this:

He had piles of comic books down there! So cool!

Yesterday, he was painting the floor outside my classroom, so I asked him if he was a comic book guy. He is! Ha! He likes Marvel and DC, and has a few rare comics in his collection. We talked for a while about comics and old action figures. So fun!


  1. Lauren

    Awww…. Kindred spirits. So sweet!

    I am impressed that they are in bags. This guy’s serious.

  2. Carol

    Slightly behind in reading your posts here, dear friend, so…

    * Congratulations on the house – sounds amazing! Have fun maintaining the pool though…
    * Yea for finding a kindred spirit in the wonderful world of comics. [Coincidentally, I have been reading An Annotated Memoir of Wil Wheaton – never realized what a fan of comics he is. This book is both funny and sad – and thick. Would make a better summer reading prob’ly]
    * You always have super aquaria, and I have no reason to think this one will be any different. But when do we get to see King Poseidon in it??
    * Those praying-over-the-newly-commissioned services sound very moving. Seems you are in a wonderful new place, Brad. As much as we still miss you, I am SO glad God is putting you where He does (He is much wiser than we, no?) – God bless your school year!

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