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Down at the Docks

We went on a field trip yesterday. It was so fun! We went to see the docks in San Pedro. They’re visible from school, so I was excited to see them, because what goes on there anyway? Now I know a little better.

We took a boat tour around the breakwater area on this boat:

We saw the unloading process close up:

We also saw some sleeping sea lions!

And here’s the bridge to Long Island Long Beach:

It was so interesting! I want to do it again!

After the boat tour, we went to the LA Maritime Museum. It was really interesting, but we went so fast through it. I’ll have to go back again sometime so I can read all the little notes under the pictures.

I was a little star struck to see something from a movie. It’s the model ship they used for the Poseidon Adventure! So cool!

I’m so excited for future field trips! Or maybe I should start going to see stuff like this on the weekends…


  1. Lauren

    Wait….. Long Island? I need a map…..

    Those shipping containers on the boat give one pause. We sure move a lot of objects around our planet, don’t we?

    Thank you for taking us along on your field trip! This was so cool!

    • Brad

      Oops! Long Beach, not Long Island. I fixed it. But how cool would it be to have a magical bridge near my school that went from California to New York? Maybe not that cool actually. It would cause a LOT of traffic.

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