I watched the Superbowl yesterday. Sunday is usually my grading day, so I was grading while I watched. It took a long time. I usually do school work at school. I think I prefer that…

The game was fun though – a real edge-of-your-seat kind of game. I liked a few of the commercials, but it’s funny – I’m having trouble even remembering one. Is that because I’m getting older, or is there something different about things that makes it hard for me to remember them? Maybe I’m not as excited about them as I once was? Maybe they aren’t as funny to me as they used to be? Interesting…
I, also, did not pay too much attention to the commercials this year. They have not lived up to my expectations the past few years. There was one that I liked. It was the couple that was dancing to the hold music on the phone.
I fell asleep. At someone else’s house. (To be fair, it had been a fairly busy day.) I only remember the Pepsi commercials with Ben Stiller and Steve Martin. They weren’t great commercials, but I like the actors/