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City Living

Yesterday I didn’t do much, except for go to church, and go to the mall. I wanted to walk around a little, since I’ve been doing so much walking all this past week. I’ll take this moment to reflect a little on living in Barcelona.

We stayed in an apartment building in the city. Our room was the second from the top on the left side.

I loved it. There were people around all the time:

And there was a playground out front that was filled with laughing and screaming kids every afternoon:

If I didn’t like gardening so much, and if my job location would allow it, I would love to live in a high-rise building in the heart of a city.

I also loved taking the subway everywhere. It was so easy. There was a stop right in front of our building, and it could take you anywhere you would want to go (inside the city). I totally understand how people who live in subway cities can manage without a car.

I took some pictures so I could remember it. They were hard to get though. There seemed to be rules about privacy and eye contact and such when you ride the subway.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Yeah, public transportation definitely has its advantages. I wonder how people in big cities handle large purchases – just get them delivered?

    That apartment seems so cool – very different from staying in a hotel!

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