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A Few Fixtures

It was a Home Improvement Day yesterday. I figured out how to work around the weird metal box thingy in my kitchen ceiling, and now I have a light over the sink! Woo hoo! I predicted it would be a three-trips-to-Lowe’s project. It was only two!

I’ve had a new ceiling fan for… weeks? …months? The old fan in one of my bedrooms had stopped working properly – no light at all, and a fussy fan.

The new fan was a tricky installation as well. Two more trips to Lowe’s, and the fan was up. There’s light in the bedroom again!

The only drawback is that the new fan doesn’t have pull chains, it has a remote. The old fan used wooden pull-knobs I got in Wales. I’ve connected them to each other for now. Maybe I’ll hang them from the rear-view mirror of my car…


  1. Carol

    Those are lovely pull handles alright; I’d be reticent to toss them in a drawer or something, too. But be aware – if you ever drive in MD nowadays and have “thingies” hanging from your rear-view mirror (as I used to do ALL the time – easier to ID your car on a parking lot, I thought….but I digress), Office Friendly can give you a … citation? fine? warning? dirty look? Anyway, it’s a no-no around here. Sigh.

  2. Lauren

    Soooo….. only four trips to Lowe’s in total? That’s pretty remarkable for any home improvement day! That light in your kitchen looks gorgeous – you picked it well. I’m curious to hear about your fix.

    I went to some home improvement stores yesterday. I didn’t have a pressing job to accomplish, so it was just fun to look around.

    • Lauren

      Also, I just saw the towel hangers – those are hilarious.

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