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A Quick Trip to Lincoln

Lloyd’s been at a conference for the last few days. Yesterday, Lauren and I went to Lincoln to pick him up.

Our first stop was a discount warehouse place. They have rotating stock that is overstock or dent and ding. It was fun to browse.

Our next stop was the Goodwill store. We went there all the time in college!

It was closed. D’oh! Two stores down there was a antique store. We browsed there. The most interesting thing I saw was actual old gum in its actual old packages. The boxes full of gum were $800 and $425. If it was cheaper, I would have loved to taste it…

After we got Lloyd, we went to a pizza place and had a delicious dinner, then headed back to Seward, accompanied by a beautiful sunset.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    That gum was from 1918! I am so curious to know what it would even look like – hard as a rock? Crumbly and dusty?

    It was delightful having a whole Saturday after a work day! Thank you!

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