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Crafts and a Cross

The day started with a trip to the swap meet. Woo hoo! I love the swap meet!

The thing I really wanted to buy was a table runner quilted in Hawaiian style. But I couldn’t think of a table at home I could use it on, so I didn’t get one. They were so pretty though…

After the swap meet, we headed to Steven and Chloe’s house for some Olympics watching.

They got cinnamon rolls from the cinnamon roll place. Mmmm…. so good…

After leaving there, I connected with Jacob, and we went for a hike. Yay! We went to the Wailuku Heights Cross Trail. It’s short but very steep.

It’s called the Wailuku Heights Cross Trail because it’s in Wailuku Heights, and because at the end of the trail, there is a cross. Look! There it is up ahead!

It’s actually pretty big. People leave stuff at it in memory of lost loved ones. This time, there was a name painted on it, and lots of other names left as signatures. It seemed to be the name of a young person who died.

There is a beautiful view from the cross.

But the cross isn’t really the end of the trail. Off to the left of it, there is a path into the brush. Every time I’ve hiked this trail, I’ve wondered where that path went to. In the picture below, the path is being pointed to by the wood on the ground:

Jacob said we should just find out. And so we did! The path went along a ridge for a little while. The vegetation turned to guava trees. And then the trail ended:

The fence was serious. There would be no way to get around it if we wanted to. The signs said it was a protected watershed area. I was so happy that there was a definite end. Closure! Woo hoo!

The views from this point were even more expansive:

When I got back home, it was time for dinner. Mom and I went to a place I have never been on Maui. I was so excited to check this off my list:

When we got home, I was tired. I went to bed early. It was good, because today is an early day with church.


  1. Carol

    I’d wondered, as I read, whether Mom went on this hike or not. Relieved to think maybe she stayed home and waited for your return…? Anyway, good thing I wasn’t drinking the morning coffee when I scrolled to your photo of an eating place in Maui to which you had never gone or it would have spewed across the keyboard with my uproarious laugh. Good for you! Was it any different from mainland Chics? For example, did they have mango or pineapple hand-spun milkshakes? (Love their peach ones BTW!) So glad to know you are enjoying every nanosecond of this visit.

  2. Lauren

    I’m with Carol – I guffawed at the ending. I bet they have no shortage of chickens there – just open the back door and there’s the supply.

    What a cool day! Fun, exercise, rest and good food – it sounds just perfect. 🙂

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