Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

A People Day

Yesterday I saw a lot of old friends. It was awesome.

Mom and I arrived at the end of the first church service, and I chatted with all kinds of people. It was so fun!

There was no Bible class, so we headed to Wailuku for coffee and a scone:

There was a cat in the store window next door. I couldn’t resist taking a picture:

We were back to church for late service, and seeing more old friends.

In the afternoon, we went to Kaala and Andrea’s house for burgers on the lanai. Good friends… good food… it was delightful. They had lychee fruits. I haven’t had them in a while, but they were delicious!


  1. Lauren

    Awwww…. Aloha, sweet orange kitty.

    That sounds like an absolutely fabulous day! What a blessing to reconnect with all those fine people! (Also, those fruits are intriguing. Do you eat the whole thing? Just the inside?)

    • Brad

      You eat just the inside. It’s white juicy flesh, with a big dark seed in the middle. It’s sweet and fruity tasting. I should have taken a picture, but while I was eating them, my hands were covered with juice.

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