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Friends New and Old

Yesterday was “Retreat Day” at school. Anyone who works there came together in one room. We started with an ice breaker that was clever. I enjoyed hearing the answers of the people around my table.

We did do some business, but we ended with worship together. It was cool.

In the evening, I went to Don and Samantha’s house. Diana was there too. It was great to see them. It had been a while. We had delicious food and fun conversation in their back yard while we sat around the fire pit.

I stayed up later than I have in a long time.

Also, I want to get a fire pit.


  1. Lauren

    I love that ‘dicebreaker’ – very clever! Our amazing cook posts a question every Friday and I’m going to pass those along to her.

    Also, I fully support your buying a fire pit. 😀

  2. Carol

    Sounds like a great day from sunup to sundown.

    I actually read some of the squares in that “dicebreaker” – now I can’t get the jingle for Baltimore Federal Savings and Loan (a long-defunct bank downtown) out of my head (see 3 across and one down to explain). Thanks for today’s ear worm…

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