My travel back from Nebraska went well yesterday. My layover was in Denver. I got my shoes shined, as is my wont. The guy had to go to the other side of the shine station to get something, so I could take a quick picture:
When I got on the plane to LA, I saw that it had no seat screens. If I was going to watch a movie, it would have to be on my phone. But I forgot to bring earbuds that work with my new phone. D’oh! I remembered I had something to read in my bag, so I got it out:
I read some, but I mostly slept.
When I got home, I was so happy to see this:
Aww… Bruno…
I was also happy to see this:
I hadn’t had any milk in over 24 hours! I don’t usually go that long without it.
We had milk! I’m sorry I didn’t get you some. 😉
Hi, Bruno! What a sweet face to see coming home. I hope today is equally productive and restful.
(That ‘book’ looks like a screenplay. Did people think you were a Hollywood producer?)