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Taste Test

I got a new kind of cat food for Bruno a while back. It’s working out well. His stomach seems to be so much better now. And he does like to eat it.

He’s always done a weird thing when I first fill his food bowl – he takes some kibbles out, and drops them on the floor, and eats them one at a time. After those first bits, he goes to the bowl and eats normally. Perhaps he’s suspicious that I’m trying to poison him, so he’s doing a test first?

I guess if I’m going to assassinate him, it will have to be by some other means than poisoning.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! He’s a smart one, that Bruno. Don’t try to shoot him. He’d have a dickens of a time finding a tiny bulletproof vest.

  2. Carol

    Had he been regurgitating his kibble before this new food? If his current diet helps settle his stomach better I’d be curious to know the name. Our gal regurgitates (too) frequently (for my taste) and the medicine the vet gave for that is nearly impossible to give her so I just call out “Clean up in aisle 7!”…often.

    • Brad

      Carol, he wasn’t throwing up, but he did have diarrhea a lot. This brand is called Fussie, but there were several brands that the pet food store guy recommended. This is a local establishment, not one of the big chain stores. When I asked about a food recommendation, I got even more information than I wanted, but I also got several samples to try. These smaller-name food brands are the same price as the big brand “upscale” formulations, but they have better ingredients. I’m a convert.

      • Carol

        Thanks, Brad. “Fussie” – makes sense. I’ll see if any of our local pet supply places might carry it out here, just in case.

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