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Reminiscent of Rome

I went to The Getty Villa yesterday. It’s a reproduction of a Roman villa in Pompeii that was buried when Vesuvius erupted. The villa itself is spectacular.

It has beautiful courtyards…

…and amazing gardens…

…and gorgeous water features…

Inside the villa are a bunch of museum displays, mostly Roman.

Look! A dead body from when the Romans ruled and lived in Egypt and rich people there got mummified when they died:

There were many amazing old things and I took a ton of pictures, but this is my favorite. It’s a jar painted with an image of a man playing with a cat! Ha!


  1. Lauren

    WHAT?!?!?! That is near where you live???? That is astounding!! You really are having amazing experiences. That is awesome, Brad!

    … I took a long nap….

  2. Carol

    Since I’ve actually been to (what’s left of) Pompeii, I can honestly say this is how I pictured it in its glory days – nice job there, Mr. Getty sir! Glad you got to visit. Think of the money you’ve saved in avoiding that trip to Italy now…

  3. Deborah


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