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White Whiskers

Yesterday when Bruno was sitting on my lap, I saw a little white string sticking out of his mouth. It looked like a fiber from a blanket or something. I tried to pull it out, but it didn’t come. It was a whisker! Ha!

I tried to get some pictures. It’s on his left cheek (the right side of him in the pictures below)

I didn’t notice it until I posted that picture above, but he has one on his right cheek too!

Later in the evening, I got a shot of them from another angle:

Ha! His tongue!


  1. Lauren

    So, I guess he’s not truly hairless.

    I’m kidding – I can see all that ‘hair’ all over him. Get a haircut, ya derp! <3

  2. Carol

    Don’t let Bruno hear this, but those hairs closely resemble the type we human old ladies pluck regularly (for some reason, human females prefer no facial hair – go figure).

    Does this mean he is old enough to shave now, or…? 😉

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