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Heading Home

Yesterday was the last day of our conference, but I didn’t participate. I was sick. Ugh. It’s a deep, rattling cough. I ate some breakfast, then laid in bed until the morning activities were over. I checked out a little early to beat the rush, and sat in the lobby area.

The drive home was ok. I felt bad that the others were trapped in the car with me while I coughed and coughed. I hope they don’t get sick.

The sky was cloudy for the whole drive. It made for some spectacular views.

By the time we got back to Long Beach, I was tired. I just wanted to lay down. On my drive home, I stopped for some comfort food. Cereal. Mmm… cereal.

I’m glad that at least this sickness is happening on a vacation. I can rest and hopefully get better quickly.

1 Comment

  1. Carol

    Cool lenticular clouds there! So sorry your TG break will be marred by choking, spitting, and wheezing. I often got ill the week of TG and had to spend the days off resting so I could do the pre-Christmas gauntlet ahead. Will be praying for ya’, friend.

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