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Cat Calisthenics

Bruno is really energetic in the mornings. Maybe partly because I engage with him. While I’m getting ready, he sits on the bed an waits for me to play. One of the games we play is “catch”. I throw socks or a shirt at him, and he jumps up and catches it. He loves it!


  1. Lauren

    What great action shots!! That is incredible! I bet that’s the best part of his day. 😀

  2. Carol

    Those are great shots! Nice job, Bruno – I see Olympic tryouts in your future; do they even have a category for things like that? “Aerial high jumping” maybe?

    [All our cat does for exercise is walk across the hall from”her” room to ours to whine about how her litter box hasn’t been cleaned for half an hour or her food is below the RDA of kibble or how I’ve not shared tuna yet that day or…you get the idea. Yet, she manages to maintain her girlish figure somehow. I write it off to all the times she regurgitates after eating…]

  3. Peggy

    What an athlete!!

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