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Cryptic Code

When I got to school yesterday morning, all the rooms had this written on the threshold:

20 + C + M + B + 25

I found out what it meant when I opened my email. My principal had it put there. Here is my explanation to the kids for our devotion time:

I’ll also include the explanation my principal sent to us by email:

I’m surprised I’ve never heard of this tradition. I like old Christian traditions. Maybe I’ll start doing this one every year at my house…


  1. Deborah

    I’ve never heard of this, either. I like it!

  2. Lauren

    Dang that’s cool. Although, I might have called the police before I knew the real meaning, telling them that I was definitely being cyber-stalked. Wait. Chalk-stalked. 😉
    Your principal seems very cool.

  3. Carol

    Excellent – and another “old tradition:” new to this old gal. We’d have to chalk our front porch and no one would see that but us then, but still a neat thing.

    Thanks for sharing with the rest of us, sir.

  4. Kristi

    Yes, we do this above our church door every Epiphany. Families are also encouraged to do a house blessing above their home doors as well. We each receive a piece of chalk and a half-sheet with the words to speak together. The chalking stays above your door all year. It really is neat.

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