I went to the endodontist yesterday because my orthodontist saw a shadow by the roots of one of my root canal teeth. The visit was a weird experience. I felt like I was under high-pressure sales tactics the whole time. I ended up paying out-of-pocket for a CT scan that they said wasn’t covered by my insurance. That didn’t sound right to me. Why would a necessary diagnostic not be covered?
The endodontist said I needed to have a re-do of my root canal, and then the front desk woman came out with a paper for me to sign that said I should pay a thousand dollars, and then said it would happen right away while I was there. I expressed reservations and she pressured me. So I declined.
The vibe was just weird. I think I might get a second opinion. Today I go to my orthodontist, so maybe I can discuss it with her
Hmmmmm……. that is a tough situation. Is this the same endodontist from before? I think getting a second opinion is the right thing, and if they ever send out a survey to fill out, let them know that this was weird.
Waiting and getting a second opinion sounds very wise to me.
But I can offer a guess as to why a “necessary diagnostic” is not covered by your dental insurance….because it’s only dental insurance. Don’t get me started on how all health insurance policies should also address eyes, ears, and mouth since illnesses there can also impact the remainder of the body. Congress needs to do something about that yesterday already…but I digress. Meanwhile, this old gal has let dental insurance go in recent years as it never really “covered” much (50% at best) of the procedures that were more costly.
Stay strong.