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Cozy Cat

It’s cooler here now. It doesn’t get cold-cold in the winter, but it does get down to the forties at night.

Bruno regularly sleeps on the couch. I leave a couple of blankets there so he can be warm, and he kind of burrows in. But now he has another option – a cat tunnel/bed thingy!

When he first got it, he loved to curl up in it. Now he seems to like the blanket again…


  1. Lauren

    Awwwww…. how nice to have options….. (I need a human tunnel/bed thing.)

    • Brady

      *sleeping bags

      • Brad

        Ha! Yes! That’s exactly what it is, Brady.

      • Lauren

        Ha! 😀

  2. Elaine Royuk

    Me too, Lauren!! And that cat is sooo cute!!

  3. Carol

    So glad Bruno uses those cuddly things – what a cutie…

    Our cat(s) and dog(s) seemed to always prefer resting on top of afghans and tunnels instead of within them. Not exactly college material, I guess. 😉

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