Every evening I clean my invisalign trays before bed. I put a fizzy tablet in water inside an ultrasonic (and UV) cleaner, then floss and brush my teeth, then pop the trays back in, and go to sleep.
Recently, my ulltrasonic cleaner started malfunctioning. This was already my second one. I ordered a third. Are these just not meant to work so often? They’re advertised as jewelry cleaners, so maybe not. I like what they do for my trays though, so I’ll keep using them.
The new one is on the left:

That has to be maddening. It’s too much work to ask for a refund, but if I were that kind of person……. it might still be too much work.
I would say “they just don’t make ’em like they used ta'”, but back in MY day….we didn’t even HAVE ultrasonic cleaners, so I got nuttin’.
Sorry for your fiscal stresser, though. Bummer.