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Category: Haircuts (Page 4 of 10)

A Fruitful Day

Happy Birthday, Tim! Yay! He’s 1 years old today!

Yesterday I went to Lincoln with Lauren. We were on a time schedule because we had to get back in time for my 4:30pm haircut appointment.

First we stopped at The Fort. It’s a giant store that sells all things western. It was truly amazing. They have all kinds of things I would never see elsewhere, such as lasso ropes and Udder Butter. In the ‘Old West’ section, I tried on hats, and ended up finding out from the guy working there that I’m a size 7 1/2 hat size. Useful information. Lauren and I were there hoping to find jeans. She didn’t, but I did. Ever since my beloved Levi’s Silvertab Baggy jeans went out of production, I’ve been looking for a replacement. Yesterday I found a likely candidate: Levi’s 569 Loose Straight.

It was larger than most grocery stores!

I also found another piece of the puzzle for Sommerer Gardens: a crape myrtle that is hardy in Nebraska. It is called ‘Hopi’. I’m very excited about it, because I don’t know if I’ve seen even one crape myrtle here in Nebraska.

I won't plant it here.  They don't generally grow in cement.

We did get back in time for my haircut. Doreen did it for me. She’s Beth’s regular stylist. She took her time cutting my hair and did a fine job. And it was not a moment too soon. My hair was so long, my shadow was beginning to look like I had a mowhawk.

A shadow fauxhawk.


I got my hair cut short again yesterday. I went to Ken, my regular stylist. 🙂 When I got to the Hair Cuttery, I was greeted by Ning, whom I had seen a couple of visits ago. She recognized me and smiled a big smile and asked if I needed a haircut. I said that I did, but would wait for Ken. Awk-ward!

My old clipper-cut style is #3 on top, #1 on the sides and back. Ken started by using the #3 clipper. After he cut just the top, my hair looked really wierd. I looked like some character actor from a TV show who plays trailor-park killers or computer wierdos. I had to look away from the mirror. After he got the #1 clipper going, things looked much better. I think this was the most fussing over a clipper cut I’ve ever experienced. He took a long time. I would have tipped him more than usual, but was afraid it would set a precedent. I have been feeling kind of on the cheap side with my tip though. Maybe I’ll up it next time. Till now it’s been $13 haircut, $5 tip. Maybe next time I’ll just give him a 20 and be done with it.

Anyway, here’s the before and after. The first picture is my bed-head from two days ago. It seemed like a good way to show the old length.

Goodbye, long and troublesome hair.

Hello, short stress-free hair.  I love you.

My Stylist

It figures that right as I’m ending my Time of Long Hair, I find a regular haircut place. I went back to Ken yesterday for another great haircut. It was great because there was no awkward time of me mumbling about Alton Brown. He said “I remember you. You’re the teacher.” I said that I forgot to bring my pictures this time and did he remember what he did because I don’t know how to ask for what I want. He said, “Yes. You just want it shorter and kind of spiky on top.” Is that really all I would’ve had to say all this time? Is that the official stylist’s description of my hair? Dang. I wish I would’ve known that five months ago.

Anyway, Ken said he just recently has been granted the ability to take appointments. I guess you have to earn that or “graduate” to it if you work at Hair Cuttery. He said next time I want a haircut, I should call sometime during the day so I can just walk right in after school and get my hair cut. Then he gave me his card.

So I have a stylist. I feel like a movie star.

A big party, you say? I'll need to consult my stylist.

Alton Hair

After only having just a little hair cut off last time, I really needed to get a haircut again. I decided to go back to Ning, but this time I was going to take some pictures with me, so I did another search for Alton Brown pictures. I found some really good ones on a blog site called The Big Benford Show. This woman has been to an Alton event and took really good pictures of his hair. I printed some to show Ning. I printed an especially large version of THIS one, because I think it shows his style the best.

But Ning wasn’t there.

Instead, I was seated in the chair of Ken. I showed him the pictures and he said, “That’s a really good idea.” Then he got to work. It’s shorter than it has been in a while, but it does look like the pictures of Alton. Good job, Ken!

The man. The legend.

Grandpa and Grandma

Last night I was looking for some software on my computer desk at home and stumbled across the picture below. I don’t know why it’s on my computer desk. The back of it says: “Pacific Hills Church Omaha – Spring 1992” It’s written in my grandma’s handwriting.

Oddly enough, I remember the moment this picture was taken. I was singing with my college choir at a church in Omaha on Sunday morning. My grandma came to hear it because she was so close by in Arlington. She didn’t particularly care for my haircut.

Later in college, a couple of times when we were bored, we did something weird to our hair. One time we dyed it jet black (I think the color was called ‘Blue Black’). That was me and John. And one time we shaved it all off. That was me and Samith. We let Lloyd and Lauren cut it off as an engagement present. Samith ended up looking like Gandhi. I ended up looking like a grandpa. In fact, when I would whip this picture out later, I would say, “Look! A picture of my grandpa and grandma!”

I only wish I had as much hair now as I had then. But at least I don’t have the giant forehead zits. Oh… wait…

Such a lovely couple.  They've been married for sixty years.

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