Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Excitement, Disappointment, Contentment

I started the day yesterday at a swim meet. It was cool. There was a whole tent-city next to the pool in Seward. I only saw two of Tim’s events before I had to pack and head to the airport, but it was still very fun.

Go Tim!

Go Tim!

My travels were uneventful. I had recently downloaded a new game to my iPad, so I was playing it all day. My flights just flew by. Ha! I used “fly” literally and figuratively!

When I got home, I opened my suitcase and discovered that the TSA had rifled through my belongings. Dang. I hate it when they do that. My first thing to check was a Grandpa Hummel cross I had packed carefully so it would not break. It was broken, and there’s nothing I can do about it, because it was done in the name of safety: if we don’t let the government pick through our suitcases, the terrorists have already won!

Gus disapproves.

Gus disapproves.

It was nice to be home though. I spent the evening with my feet up, sitting next to Gus.

He is so tiny compared to all the cats I hung out with in Nebraska!

He is so tiny compared to all the cats I hung out with in Nebraska!


  1. Lloyd

    You should include that TSA advertisement in you luggage every time you fly.

    • Brad

      That is an interesting idea. I’m going to try it.

  2. Lauren

    Sorry about the cross breaking. 🙁 Is it fixable?

    Gus looks so content! I bet he wondered about you being gone the whole time. Hi, Gus! Happy summer!

    • Brad

      The bottom of the cross split. I can glue it, but it has visible damage.

  3. Bev Greunke

    I’m glad that the cross is in Baltimore after ??? years in Arlington. It was mine, wasn’t it?……looks familiar anyway, but maybe he made more?

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