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Category: Journal (Page 1 of 902)

A Doing Day

I had the day off yesterday for Presidents’ Day. The big item on my list was grading. Being sick had left me behind, and I needed to catch up. I did get it done, but not until evening.

During the day, I did all kinds of things I can’t normally do because I’m busy or tired. I got an oil change for my car, I sent a package to Beth, and I did some clean-up tasks around the house. I was so glad for the time. I wish every weekend was a three-day weekend.

One of the things I didn’t nead to clean-up was in my car, because I did that on Sunday. The trash had really piled up. I don’t have a trash can or bag in there, so I just jam things in crevices. Here’s the before and after:

Rots of Rain

Happy Valentines Day! And Happy Birthday to Daniel and Samith!

It rained a lot yesterday. I’m so glad we’re getting some water. Last winter it rained so much. This winter… not so much.

It’s also been downright chilly. I like the cooler weather, especially at night. Mmm… cozy sleeping…

Serene Sky

I’ve seen the movie “The Hiding Place” many times, because I show it for Religion class every year. There is a scene where they are at the concentration camp, and they have a moment of rest in the middle of the day, and Betsy looks up to see a single bird fly across the sky, and she says to the woman next to her: “Oh. The sky is so peaceful.” The scene sticks with me, because in the middle of all the awful, Betsy sees something good.

I think about it often when I’m out at recess and I see a single bird fly across the sky. Even on a busy or difficult day, I feel a little calmer whenever I see it.

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