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Brent has a beautifully clean community fish tank at his house. The sparkling water and shiny fish really made me want to get my aquarium clean, so yesterday I cleaned it. I have live plants, which unfortunately has led to a hair algae problem. Please don’t suggest that I get an algae eater. They do not eat bad algae. They only eat well-behaved algae. They are never the answer to an algae problem. -end of rant-

Anyway, I got my aquarium as clean as I could for now. I’m going to try more frequent micro-cleanings and see what happens. Maybe I can get ahead of the problem. Or maybe I’ll nuke the whole tank and start over without any live plants.

I need something in that big space.  Maybe I'll find a sculpture of some kind...

I need something in that big space. Maybe I’ll find a sculpture of some kind…

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    I am always in awe of people who keep fish, because that is such a commitment. You are basically saying that you volunteer to keep a tank of water from becoming a stinking mess. Oh, and there will be creatures in there. More power to you, I say.

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