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Something for the Soul

After working at school yesterday, I stopped at the grocery store for a few sundries. They had tons of flowers out because Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. I looked at them all because I love cut flowers. If they didn’t feel like such a waste of money, I’d have cut flowers in my house and on my desk at school all the time.

There were lots of roses for sale. I’m not a big fan of roses from the florist. They look unnatural and they don’t smell like anything. I love carnations. They smell great, they come in lots of wonderful colors, and they last a long time in the vase. The store had so many kinds of carnations. When I saw a picotee variety, I couldn’t resist. I put them in my basket. They were only five dollars.

I think I'll keep them in the kitchen.

I think I’ll keep them in the kitchen.


  1. Lauren

    Lovely! I don’t think it’s a waste at all since you’ll appreciate them so much. I didn’t even know that there were different kinds of carnations – I thought they were all the white ones in different stages of elementary science experiments. 😉

  2. Debbie Foelber

    I miss looking at the cut flowers when I shop. I had so much fun using different types of flowers when I used to make the flower arrangements for church every week. I used the mini carnations a lot to fill in the vases. They come in lots of colors. I never spent money on greens, but tried to use flowers that had a lot of extra leaves.

  3. Bev Greunke

    Gorgeous!!!! (^_^)

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