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Category: Food (Page 4 of 147)

‘Tis the Season

Our eighth grade class had a fundraiser where they sold See’s candy. I got a box of mixed chocolates. I ate it for dinner last night.

…actually, I decided I’d eat something “healthy” first, so I had some ramen noodles. Then I had several pieces of chocolate.

Mmm… it was so good. Happy Candy Season, everyone!

A Meal and Music

When I have an evening commitment at school or church, I don’t go home, because it would be too hard to go back out again. Instead, I work in my classroom and wait for the thing to happen. If it’s late enough, and I’m hungry enough, I walk across the street from school and go to Denny’s. I love breakfast for dinner! I’ve gone often enough that the people who work there are starting to recognize me. Last night I had an omelet. Mmm…

The evening commitment was the 2nd to 5th Christmas concert. They sang well.

Food Fascination

It was a day of grading yesterday. I got caught up, so I’m glad about that.

After I finished, I stopped at the grocery store for some milk. I was Shopping Hungry. I ended up buying some ice cream, which isn’t a normal purchase for me.

I did successfully resist a more unusual temptation though-

I have not regularly eaten breakfast cereal for years now. Just recently I saw a commercial for strawberry Frosted Flakes. It sounds like exactly the kind of thing I would love in cereal. Mmmm…artificial strawberry flavor… And there it was, right in front of me…

But I didn’t get it. Cereal has so much sugar in it. So… much… sugar… Must… not… start eating it… again…

Bread and Besmirchment

Yesterday, one of my coworkers brought me some cranberry bread that her husband made. It reminded me of Lauren’s, so I had to take a picture:

It was delicious.

For lunch, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I wasn’t paying attention when I bought the “jelly” part. I usually buy jam, but this time I accidentally got preserves. One of the chunky strawberry pieces fell out onto my chair armrest, and I put my elbow on it. D’oh! I was wearing a new jacket! When I went to look at it, I saw the seam had also split. Double D’oh!

Terrific Tamales

At my church’s Carols and Cocoa event on Wednesday, I was talking with a church member about tamales. It’s what I order from Mexican food restaurants. I like them a lot. They taste like comfort food. Mmm…

The church member said the tamales she makes are a little different from what I usually eat – she wraps them in banana leaves instead of corn leaves, and the outer part of the tamale is wetter. I was intrigued.

Right at the end of school yesterday, the woman walked into my classroom carrying a bag. It had two of her tamales in it! Wow! I made such a weird noise, the kids all turned to look at me. But it really made my day – I was tired and grumpy, and then this wonderful woman brought me homemade tamales.

I ate one last night. It was delicious, and it did indeed taste like comfort.

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