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Category: Journal (Page 6 of 863)

Dance Day

There was a middle school dance at school last night. I’m thankful for a mom who did the work of organizing the kids on the student council. They got decorations up and food planned and music assembled.

It went really well. I was the bouncer and sat outside most of the time. It was easier on my ears, since the music was loud. It was lighter inside than the picture makes it look. The kids danced a lot, and had lots of fun.

Inauspicious Entry

The title alliterates. Say it out loud.

This is the side of my house:

This is my kitchen window:

This is the hole in the wall by my kitchen window that the old dish tv cable used to go in:

These are some of the honey bees that went through that hole to build a hive and now live inside the walls of my house:

I have a regular pest-control service, and yesterday the service person texted me to say that there was a hole in the wall of my house that bees were going in and out of. “Honey bees?” I asked. “Yes,” she responded. Darn.

In one sense, I guess I’m glad it’s honey bees, because they’re nice, so I don’t have to worry about them attacking me. In another sense, I’m not glad it’s honey bees, because I don’t want to kill them, so I’ll be paying a company to remove them carefully and take them away alive for relocation.

I have no idea how long they’ve been there, but it seems like they can’t have been there long, because they’re right by the trash cans, so I should have seen them. Hopefully the hive isn’t that big yet, so the removal company won’t have to tear such a big hole in my wall.

Second Saturday

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Woo hoo!

Since I had the day off on Friday, and yesterday was already off, it was like I had two weekend days in a row. It was so delightful! I’m usually packing all my rest into Saturday, and then on Sunday I’m trying to grade papers and plan, leaving me with only one day of weekend. This time, I had a day of rest, and then a day of doing stuff. Yay!

I got the oil changed in my truck. I’ve been trying to do it for quite some time now. . I’m so happy! It’s been such a weight on my mind.

And then when I got home, I mowed my lawn. Wow! I didn’t think I’d ever get that done. Whenever I had free time, it would rain. My electric mower would not do so well with wet grass. But yesterday was beautiful, so I could finally tame the jungle that was my front lawn.

In the evening, I did some other gardening. I’ll post about that tomorrow probably, because today is my usual Sunday of Sadness.

But I was so dang productive! I should do two Saturdays every week!

Rest and Relaxation

Yesterday was a Day of Rest. It was wonderful. I slept late, then went out to the couch and hung out with Bruno. The only productive thing I did was some unpacking and some laundry. It was great.

In the evening, I went out for steak. Mmm…

DC Trip, Day 6

Sorry for the delay – I had technical difficulties and couldn’t get this post up.

We started our last day in New York by going to the Freedom Tower.

We went up the elevator to the 100th floor. It’s 1,268 feet up. I was curious, so I looked it up. We saw the Statue of Liberty again.

We also had expansive views of New York.

When we came back down, we had a little time to look at the memorial plaza.

And then from there, we went to the airport. We had a plane to catch. The ride back was pretty good.

Last night I slept in my own bed. It was nice. Today is a day off from school. I’m glad to have the rest.

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