Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

What Am I, Some Kinda Hippie?

This is the longest my hair has been in a couple of years. I have been waiting for payday to get my next haircut. But since I was going to get paid today, I decided to get my haircut yesterday.

I had Jerline again. Last time she cut my hair, I couldn’t remember if that was her name or not. I was sure to memorize it this time. She gave me a good haircut again… nice and smooth. I did a “before” picture this time, since my hair was so freakishly long:

Call me Shaggy.

In the “after”, you can really see the difference. The “corner” on the right side of my head is gone, I have hair particles all over my forehead, and that unhealthy yellowish tint is gone! Thank you, Jerline!

No more jaundice!

HAHA! These comments make me laugh. I had originally ended my post with this: “Is it my imagination, or is my left pupil bigger than my right pupil? Could I be having a stroke?”


  1. Lloyd

    I’m mostly concerned that you’ve had a stroke. Your head is awfully tippy to your right. Are you ok? CAN YOU HEAR ME?

  2. Annette

    I’m concerned that he’s hallucinated the trip back to the barber! Could be symptomatic of a stroke.

  3. Beth

    I’m thinking that his right eye is the only one that is bloodshot…strokes just damage one side of the body, right?

  4. Lloyd

    <insert lame receding hairline joke here>

  5. Beth


  6. Lauren

    Hey, I just realized that the first comment that I posted came up as Lloyd’s name. Rats!!! I want credit for my stroke comment!

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