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Ah, the joys of city living. I have rats in my back yard. Mostly they just bother me because they dig holes by the fence. But they also bother me because, you know, they’re rats.

My neighbor and I have both put poison out. Yesterday, I saw evidence that the poison is working. A smaller rat must’ve eaten some, then dragged herself to the base of my newly-planted Himalayan banana tree, then died. Good-bye, rat.

I’m a little worried about my neighbor’s dogs because she says they eat the rats, but she doesn’t seem to mind. They didn’t get this one, in any case. I buried it under the deutzia bush that I like to call “The Octopus Bush”.

Must... reach... banana tree...


  1. Lauren

    In regards to your picture caption, Dead Animal Rejoicer, I’ve read twice now that if your goldfish goes belly-up in the bowl, you can try putting a few smashed green peas in the water, and that might revive them. Why is that?

    • Beth

      I’m thinking that the green peas might be a good trick because of the chlorophyll that will be released into the water and start photosynthesis which will give a bit of oxygen to the water…the goldfish is perhaps “dead” because of lack of oxygen. Goldfish are filthy, and all their waste usually crowds out any good oxygen left in the water.
      That answer is probably just my mind thinking overtime…
      Harold would probably say that smashed peas are so vile that the fish would probably resurrect just to try to swim out of there!

      • Michele

        Showing off again Beth? All that talk of photosynthesis is hurting my brain!

  2. Peggy

    (Actually the fish can’t be dead for the peas to have a chance of working, just near dead. Most likely the fish has swim bladder disease. The peas (skin removed) act as a fiber laxative. That’s all I know.)

    Dead Animal Rejoicer? Rats must be killed I know, but it sure looks pitiful lying there like that. The poor family of the little fella has probably already put out an APB regarding his disappearance; can’t wait for tomorrow’s picture … have you seen the movie Ben.

    I am very proud of you for burying the little guy!

    • karla

      Is near dead anything like being mostly dead? I know Miracle Max can fix mostly dead and he doesn’t need peas.

  3. Kim

    All I can say is YUCK.

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