Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

My Happy Place

I spent most of yesterday at school. After church, I came home, ate some Fruit Loops, changed, and went to school. I was there by 1:00pm. I graded, drank some coffee, graded, recorded, went to the bathroom, graded, drank some more coffee, organized papers, went to the bathroom again, graded, drank some more coffee, and recorded. I had to stop when the caffeine made the words on the papers jump around so I couldn’t read them. But I got a lot done. Stress levels should be lower now. Hopefully I won’t be so freaked out and forgetful this week.

I was at school physically, but in my mind I was in the garden – my Happy Place. Saturday I got some new trees planted. Both kinds are tropical, but are special varieties that can withstand Maryland winters. I’m so excited!

A Eucalyptus:
Small now, but a fast grower.

And one of two Windmill Palms:
This will someday be 30 feet tall if it doesn't die.


  1. Lauren

    I’m so glad that you love plants. Somebody has to.

    Are you going to hang sprigs of eucalyptus in your shower? I hear that it makes it Vicks-y and clears your sinuses!

  2. Peggy

    Please, please, please get a Koala for the Eucalyptus tree … you’d get along great, they sleep 20 hours a day! Plants are cool, but animals are way cooler!!

  3. Erin

    Dude… you really need to take it easy on the coffee!!!

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