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Summer Shoes

I went shopping yesterday. I went specifically to look for new summer shoes. It seems that whatever else I do, I get two new pairs of shoes each year… one pair of teacher shoes in the fall, which I wear every day all school year until they’re worn out… and one pair of summer shoes, which I wear every day all summer until they’re worn out.

My summer shoes are always the same category of shoes. I have discovered over time that this category has many names. My family always called them flip-flops. They are also called thongs or sandals or slippers. Whatever the case, I must always get the kind that has a between-the-toes strap. I’ve tried walking in the kind that just goes over the top of your foot, and I don’t know how people walk in them. I kick them right off. I need that strappy thing so my toes have something to hang on to.

I was also looking for a pair that had more cushion than last year’s pair. Last year’s had a thin slab of hard rubber as the sole. They made my feet hurt. This year’s are much nicer…

Sorry about showing the hairy legs again...


  1. Lauren

    They look so fancy! Are they leather or ‘pleather’?

    • Brad

      They are real leather, baby…
      except for the part that’s elastic.

      • Lauren

        So…. some people could call these shoes ‘dead cow strapped to your feet’?

        Shoulda gone with pleather.

        • Brad

          You’re gonna love tomorrow’s post.

          • Lauren

            What??!!! What??!! How am I going to sleep now, buddy?? Dang you.

  2. Lloyd

    I’ve also heard them called zories(sp?) and shower-shoes, but the peopled who called them that were strange.

    • Karla

      What’s a peopled?

      • Lloyd

        Soylent Greend is peopled.

  3. Annette

    Will you be replacing your wooden shoes once a year too?

  4. Beth

    You not only have Mom’s turned up big toe, causing the sock holes…you also have her shorty toes. I never knew…

    • Brad

      Do you think shorty toes are why I can’t wear flip-flops that don’t have a toe thong?

      • Beth

        If nearly every pair of Mom’s shoes wasn’t the “sandals without a toe strap” style, perhaps I would say yes…but I’m pretty sure Mom only owns one pair of shoes that actually has a back (Lauren gave them to her), and almost all of them are slides (that’s what shoes/sandals without a toe strap are usually called) except that weird pair with a big yellow daisy on the top. And, since Mom has mastered walking in them, I don’t think it’s a shorty toe issue.

  5. Peggy

    I call them flip-flops … but I can never figure out which one is the flip and which one is the flop. Each foot makes a slightly different sound … let me know if you figure it out.

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