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Sock Mockery

When I get a back flare-up, the absolute worst thing about it is putting on socks. I can’t bend far enough to get my toes into the top of the sock to put them on. I’ve tried leaning against the wall, I’ve tried standing, I’ve tried sitting on the bed, I’ve tried lying on the bed. None of it works. I end up taking several minutes to loosen up enough to put on my socks. And then while I put them on, I make strange noises that sound like a small animal being strangled.

I’ve searched the internet for a sock-putter-oner gadget, and they do exist. But my goodness, getting one of those would be another step toward old age and death. The sites that advertise them also advertise for walkers and oxygen tank caddies. Hopefully this present flare-up of back pain will go away soon so I can pretend every thing is okay again.

They mock me.


  1. Lauren

    That is so, so, so sad. I’m at a loss. If you lived here in Seward, there would be lots of people who could help you put on your socks, and then laugh because you couldn’t do it yourself.

    Come to Seward, Brad. Come to Seward.

  2. Peggy

    Well, at least you don’t have holes in your socks this year!

    Having been in your situation myself, I’ve often wished we had thumbs (workable duclaws) on our feet. Then maybe, just maybe we could use our the other foot to put on our socks. But practically, my doctors tell me to ice down my back. So when my back hurts, I walk around all morning with an ice-block in my underwear & after my lower half is dressed, I remove it.

    Here’s hoping you don’t get 20 sock aids for your next birthday! (or this birthday … which month would be like a Thursday)

  3. Beth

    “noises that sound like a small animal being strangled”…

    You obviously speak from experience.

    And while I don’t have back trouble…I have carried two babies, and had the same trouble when I was pregnant and trying to put on my support socks…and so I empathize…

  4. Annette

    I thought this was going to be a “black socks” post in honor of the Husker “black shirts” who movied with us last night.

  5. Kim

    I am surprised that you haven’t used the Killz cure for your back. Doesn’t it make you feel better if you shoot something?

  6. Deanne

    Awwwww, that’s no fun… : (

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