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Carnation Instant Breakfast

I LOVE Carnation Instant Breakfast. I drink it every morning, and sometimes later in the day too. I could live on it I think. I mix it in an old SlimFast cup I got from my parents house when I was in college. At the time, I was using the cup to mix protein drinks because I was weightlifting. Now I use it for my sweet, sweet Carnation. I like to use not quite 8 ounces of milk, and I like to only stir it a couple of times so there are clumps of chocolatey goodness and sweet crunchy sugar at the bottom.

In talking with Peggy, I’ve found out that she has Carnation every day too. Then I found out that she has a particular way of drinking it as well. Then I wondered: Are the only people who drink Carnation as hard-core as we are? Is there no such thing as a “casual” Carnation user? And does every Carnation user have a particular way of preparing and drinking it? It seems very curious to me.

It seems like a great marketing idea for the Carnation people, but frankly, I haven’t seen but maybe one commercial for Carnation in my whole life. Do they not need to advertise because of people like me and Peggy?

So many questions for the Carnation people…

I went to our local membership-warehouse store last night to stock up again on Carnation. I get six boxes at a time. They last a couple of months.

You're gonna love it in an instant!


  1. Beth

    I think you need to email those Carnation people and tell them of your love.
    Perhaps you’ll be in a commercial…or perhaps they’ll send you a case of Carnation…like Grandma Royuk did for Heine with the Redman company…she got enough Redman pouches to last the rest of Heine’s life.

    (Granted, she emailed when he was turning 100, and he’d been chewing Redman since he was 13 or something…but still he lived to be 102 or 104, so…)

  2. Michele

    1st – did you notice that you also bought a box of french vanilla? Was that a mistake on your part or are you branching out to new flavors?
    2nd – weightlifting? he, he

  3. Deanne

    Great picture; I do think Carnation would like to have that…

  4. Lauren

    (cue music) Carnation Instant Breakfaaaaaast! You’re gonna love it in an in-stant!

    Dang. I just saw that that was your caption, too.

    What if the Ovaltine people sent you a lifetime supply? Would you switch over? “More Ovaltine, please!”

  5. Peggy

    Hehe … I’m drinking mine right now … mmmmmm!
    Each morning, I can’t wait for that first sip! My mouth salivates as I’m stirring. Tragic is the morning that I’m out of any of the paraphernalia needed to complete the experience. And the saddest sound each morning is that of the last slurp of Instant Breakfast.

    (Brad, when you return that crappy French Vanilla, ask the bigots at BJ’s why they don’t sell sugar free.)

  6. Kim

    C’mon Brad, admit it, it is really the Jack that makes that Carnation Instant Breakfast go down so well.

    The first step to recovery is to admit you have problem.

  7. Lauren

    Y’know, looking back on that, I don’t think you really can love something in an instant. How long is an instant? Less than a second? It takes longer than that for your taste buds to recognize a flavor. Hmmmm. False advertising.

  8. Deborah

    I, unfortunately don’t have good memories of CIB (as I like to call it). I worked in the kitchen of a nursing home in high school, mostly washing dishes. You come across some pretty disgusting things in that line of work. Anyway, we always had to make CIB for the old people. That smell always reminds me of all the other smells in a nursing home. Hope I haven’t ruined it for you.

    • Lauren

      You’ve only made it better for me! 🙂

      • Lauren

        By the way, who are you anyway – Rachel Ray? ‘CIB’.

        • Deborah


  9. cheenie

    i also love ib, as my son, now 18 and also an ibhead, dubbed it years ago. we drink it with soymilk, and although i put the ib in the bottom and carefully pour the soymilk in so as to reduce the mixing and so form the afore-mentioned chocolatey goo, he does not. he likes his mixed. i’ve been drinking ib since my childhood in the early 60’s (with a break of several years), and i still have one every morning. my friends think i’m a freak, but some of the teenagers are turning into ibers. i’m relieved to know that there are at least two more grown-up ib lovers out there. thanks. oh yea, i get the family size now, which allows for your own measurement.

    • Brad

      Yay! I’m glad there are others like me! I used to get the giant canister so I could put a little extra powder in each cup, but my local discount warehouse club only carries the pouches. So I use less milk.

      I’m also glad to hear you have a particular method for mixing. I’m telling you, the Carnation people have a great advertising opportunity there. “How do you like your Carnation Instant Breakfast?” (We can make arrangements for paying me for this great idea later, Carnation people.)

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