Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Yesterday my brother was going through some old slides from his wife’s side of the family. They are scanning them all into the computer. As he was doing it, I was talking with him about some of our old pictures. He had a stack of them handy, so I was looking through them. He laughed at my bowlcut hairdo in the picture below. Of course, I have a very spotty memory from that time in my life. The only memory it sparked was a time I tried to cut gum out of my bangs. I thought I could just cut a small hole, and the rest of the hair would stay there. It didn’t. I don’t remember what happened next.

Brent found a picture of himself with the same hairstyle. He sent them both to me for review. It has brought me to a New Year’s resolution: I resolve not to wear my hair like this any time this year.

What is this? Kindergarten, maybe?And maybe second grade?


  1. Lauren

    Ha! You cute Royuk boys! If you had been in my preschool class, Brad, I would never send to to Time-Out. Your Spock-like eyebrows would win me over every time.

    Sorry to hear about the gum incident, but better to cut your own hair as a child, than as a high-school senior. (Speaking from my own self-inflicted experience.)

  2. Michele

    Is it possible for you to look any hotter!?
    If you had been in MY pre-school class, I would have been the one on time-out!

    • Beth

      EEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! That’s my brother you’re talking about!!

  3. Kim

    What a cutie! Is that a MonaLisa smile? What were you thinking about? hmmm??

    Happy New Year, Bradaptationland!
    Let’s Go Blue!

    • Peggy

      Do you suppose the photographer who took these pictures had shiney buttons? It might explain the raised eyebrow & the look on Brent’s face …

  4. Lloyd

    I like Brad’s shirt. I want one.

  5. Peggy

    Awwww … WAY TOO CUTE & ADORABLE!! (cute Michele-not hot in kindergarten-only a pedophile would say that–hmmm—Juno—it all makes sense now)

    Happy 2008 everyone!!! (Do you prefer even or odd years?)
    I like the look of 2008 …

    • Beth

      Even. All the way. But if it must be odd, it should at least be a multiple of five…
      007, however, was cool, in a Bond sort of way.

  6. Carol

    I dunno, guys…I look at the face on the right, and I think “cereal killer” – you, too? Guy on the right seems to have an Eddie Haskel side to him [“Yes, Mrs. Royuk! No, sir, Mr. Royuk!”]. Love these archeological digs, though…

    • Carol

      …uh, that would be the other right…namely, the LEFT…the ceral killer part…

      dnag it.

    • Michele

      “cereal killer” – too funny Carol!

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