Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Yay! Happy Birthday to me! I am 38 this year. Two curvy numbers. It is also 2 to the fifth.

I went to the grocery store last night to get some new fruits and vegetables for my Lenten Sacrifice Project. I ate some old carrots yesterday, and they were kind of slimy. My stomach didn’t feel so good after I ate them. So I got a TON of fresh tasty things. I hope they don’t go bad before I eat them. That’s the problem with fresh foods. Where are all the preservatives?

While walking through the produce aisle, I saw some apples in plasic containers. Being curious, I read their labels. They were called “Grāpples” (the package says “Say Grape-L”). The claim was that they looked like apples but tasted like grapes. I sniffed them, as I am wont to do. They smelled like grape Kool-Aid! Hee! Of course, I bought a pack of them.

I ate one immediately. It not only smells like grape Kool-Aid, it tastes like grape Kool-Aid! Inconceivable! Haha! I was laughing while I ate the apple slices.

Further reading of the label says they are McIntosh apples that are bathed in artificial flavor. I was a little disappointed. I wanted to be eating something that was genetically modified. But still, they taste like grape Kool-Aid! How cool is that?

It's an apple - it's Kool-Aid - it's BOTH!


  1. Lauren

    Happy Birthday! I hope your Friday is awesome!

    Grape apples? Well, if they can do that, can they make them taste like anything? Lasagna? Toothpaste? A fine wine? We need to look into this.

  2. Lloyd

    As you get older, the first thing to go is usually your math skills.

    • Brad

      Dnag! 32! I was never good at arithmetic.

      But at least they are curvy.

      • Lauren

        It’s not 2 to the 5th? Shows what I know.

        Yes, they are crazy curvy. Unless we write it in Roman Numerals. What would that be? XXXXWWMMI, right?

  3. Annette

    God bless you. If it were me, I’d give up my birthday for Lent! Thank God for friends under er, uhm, 40?!!! If you’re reading this Elaine, I like friends over 40 too….just not being reminded about it by jewelry babes!

  4. Michele

    Happy Birthday Buddy!
    At first I thought the Grapple smelled like a grape candle – I’m not a Kool-Aid drinker. I’m looking forward to tasting the Grapple, but I can think of other things in which to soak fruit – Vodka comes to mind!

    • Peggy

      Where did you smell the Grapple? Are they here at school?

      • Brad

        I brought one to share at lunchtime.

        • Kim

          interesting and delish!

          enjoy the rest of your birthday festivities

        • Peggy

          I liked the Grapple! Thanks for sharing!

          Have a great 9 hours left of your birthday!

  5. Peggy

    Happy Birthday Brad!! Woo Hoo!! Yay!! Yabba dabba do!!

    And don’t forget that 38 is the number of slots on the Roulette Wheel!

    (Lauren, I thought for sure you were behind the invention of “Grapples”. I’m counting on you to come up with the perfect apple soak)

    • Annette

      I’m quite sure she has some Delsym to use up!

      • Deanne

        Actually, I got the impression that Lloyd was using up the Delsym…

  6. Deborah

    Happy Birthday, Brad!

  7. Beth

    Happy Birthday…your present will be late…but it’s SO COOL!
    Hows that for suspense :)?

  8. Kim

    Happy, happy, happy birthday! Hope you enjoyed my advisory screaming at you this morning…I know I did!

  9. Jill

    Happy Birthday, Brad! Thanks for providing me with interesting reading material each and every day. Woo hoo to you!

  10. Deanne

    Happy, happy day!!

    Grape l, huh, cool! I guess it must have some extra sugars as well. Be sure there are no fake ones that might leave a bad taste in your mouth.

    One must do anything to consume proper foods… including buy things that have some extra sweeteners, etc.

    Oh, and you’re probably eating genetically modified foods every day. In fact, you could say that the detassling that you did was creating genetically modified foods…

    food for thought.

    • Lloyd

      Or when bees pollinate flowers.

    • Brad

      Actually, there aren’t any extra sweeteners in these apples. It’s just artificial grape flavor. The apples are sweet enough already.

      And by “genetically modified”, I mean gene-splicing; I’m talking unnatural products. -Things like golden rice or a cow that tells you what part of him is good for eating before he slaughters himself and is cooked for you.

      • Deanne

        Actually, the definition of a GM food is anything with a content of more than 0.9% foodstuffs. So, I would still hold that you’re eating GM foods all the time. Every day. Without even knowing it. http://www.visionfoodhall.com/glossary.html

        • Deanne

          0.9% GM foodstuffs

  11. Kristi

    Happy Birthday, Brad! And many more!

  12. Karla

    Happy birthday Brad! I’m glad to see you now have the wisdom (that comes with maturity) to use a calculator and check your math… 😀

  13. Aunt Bev

    Happy Birthday from Your Royuk Familia Godmother…….sounds ominous doesn’t it?

    May God Bless You with Many, Many More Wonderful Years & Birthdays.

    Love Always,
    Aunt Bev 🙂

  14. Aunt Bev

    P.S. I have tried Grapples and due the fact that they taste like Grape Kool Aid, I can’t stand them!!! Just thought I’d share that. I can hardly stand to smell grape gum, candy, kool-aid, etc. Don’t know why?? Something in my past, no doubt!! Maybe my older brother force fed me something “grape” in their “cave”!!!

    Every once in a while, Dakota or Wyatt will taunt me with it, like chew some grape gum in my car…..ICK!!!

    Aunt Bev 🙂

  15. Lloyd

    Did any classes sing to you? Did they sing the dirge? My kids have been clambering for it, but I’ve been putting them off until the next birthday.

    • Annette

      What’s dirge?? Must be a middle school thing. All we preschoolers got are the “cha-cha-cha’s!”

      • Lloyd

        I’ll sing it to you on your next birthday. There, That’s something to look forward to.

        • Annette

          If you dirge me should I be dead?

    • Brad

      The class that has been so excited about the dirge in the past sang something entirely different. I’m not sure what it was. It wasn’t very good though.

      My chalk board was awesome though. I’ll post a picture tomorrow.

  16. Lloyd

    This is a pretty cool birthday date for you. Not really a palindrom or anything, but still interesting. Maybe the most interesting one.

    • Beth



      • Annette


        • Lloyd

          That’s how Brad likes his dates.

  17. Peggy

    Did you tell the kids how old you are … or do they still think you’re 55.

    (Dnag it, I wish I would have seen the chalkboard live.)

    ((You needed to have at least 30 comments today.))

    • Karla

      I think Brad needs one comment for each year!

  18. Karla

    Do you think you could make your own Grapple by taking an apple and dipping it in pre-sweetened grape Kool-aid?


  19. Lauren

    I’d call you on your birthday, but some mutant virus has attacked my nose and eyes. I can only see half this screen.


  20. Beth

    37. Someone else has to give you your last and perhaps one to grow on.

    • Jill

      38 Done. I’m too tired to write something clever. Plus, I’m really not very clever.

  21. Carol

    Sorry this puts you over the oh-so-perfect 38 posts for the day, but I was a bit disappointed nobody made any Jonestown references here…you know, grape Kool-Aid and all. Guess my age is showing, but I’ve a teensy aversion to that stuff ever since November of about 1977 or so.

    You still feeling okay, Brad?

    (Why am I worried if he lived through eating slimy old veggies??)

    • Annette

      It was green

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