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So… Hot…

We have an ancient climate control system at school that uses hot or cold water in pipes to raise or lower the temperature at school. This is the time of year where I wish we had something a little more modern. The system can’t just be switched from “hot” to “cold”. A specialist must come out and switch it over. It’s always a crapshoot deciding when to do the switch. In the fall and spring, the temperatures can be really warm one day, and really cold the next. So for now, hot water is still running through the building, and on days like yesterday, it gets really, really hot. To add to the fun, the boiler is under the floor of my classroom, so the floor itself radiates heat.

But there’s an upside to all this heat. I believe I’ve mentioned before that the heat makes the kids sluggish. That makes them less noisy. It also gives me an opportunity to further calm them by saying that movement generates heat, and that talking generates heat. Both things are true and it often gets them all to settle down.

I just hope they never use that argument against me when it’s cold in the room: “But we have to talk and get out of our desks. It generates heat!”

This fan is crazy-loud, but it does help.


  1. Lauren

    Sorry about the heat, but it’s a beautifully composed picture – all sunny and dreamy. If I were sitting in that chair listening to the whirrr of the fan in that warm room, I’d be unconscious.

    Hey, maybe that explains your problem!

  2. Beth

    What kind of plant is that? If it’s a hibicus, you really are Dad. Embrace the Dad-ness!

    • Brad

      Haha! It’s Jasminum sambac, one of the sweetest smelling flowers I’ve encountered. But I do have a hibiscus at home. How could I not?

  3. Deborah

    We used to have that same problem in NY. I can remember the hot floor, the hot room, the sound of water running through the pipes like a slowly flowing stream, the drool rolling out of my mouth as I fell asleep on my teacher desk. Good times.

    • Brad

      Hehe… Your description is spot on! We can hear the toilets flush in the girls’ restroom, even though it’s way at the other end of the hall.

  4. Peggy

    In lieu of my recent trip, may I remark that anything ancient must have existed prior to 476 AD.

    Hot is any degree over 65.

    Smart_ _ _, yours truly.

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