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MMYFC Banquet 2008

Last night I went to the annual Metro Maryland Youth for Christ banquet. YFC is kind of like a youth group organization. At the banquet yesterday they talked about some of their programs, and it was really cool. The banquet was a fund raiser, and I didn’t hesitate to make a donation. They do great work.

The banquet was held at a banquet hall called Martin’s West. From the Baltimore beltway, you can see a giant chandelier in their front window. Whenever I saw it, I wished a secret wish to someday see it up close. Since this wasn’t my first YFC banquet, it wasn’t my first time to see the chandelier, but it was still exciting to be there.

Martin’s West has the most amazing bathrooms. I tried to take a picture, but there were lots of people going in and out. All I could get was a small section of the urinals. But what a fancy section it is! Black marble covers every surface. And there are little mats under the urinals that catch any drips. They’re antibacterial! And scented!

This is one of the most dangerous pictures I have ever taken.

The meal was really good. It was chicken AND beef! I accidentally ate some chicken skin *jibblie* *jibblie*. The beans were tied in a bundle. None of us knew what they were tied with. I tried to eat it. I think it was plastic. Peggy told me just to swallow it, but I spit it out. I could just imagine it strangling my appendix or something.

Note to self: Next time, do NOT eat the green bean tie.

The highlight of the evening was the special guest speaker. It was Amy Grant! She sang a little and talked a little. It was very entertaining and inspiring. She sang a lot of new stuff that she’s recently written. I liked one where she sang “If I could see what angels see”. I also liked one where she sang “Be still and know that I am God”. I’ll have to see if they’re recorded and available anywhere. Of course she also sang “El Shaddai” and “Thy Word”. She accompanied herself with a guitar. It was “Amy Grant unplugged”! 🙂 She was very good.

Amy Grant unplugged.


  1. Lauren

    *sigh* Your. Life. Is. Awesome.

    Ok, brushing off the jealousy, here are my thoughts:

    1. I love that you’ve opened the door to posting bathroom pictures! I wanted to take a picture of a fancy store bathroom last week but I didn’t. Now it’s possible!

    2. I’m guessing it was a green onion tying your asparagus bunch, but it might have also been a shoelace.

  2. Lloyd

    Ha, you have to like Amy Grant now. You became middle aged before I did.

    • Deanne

      When exactly does “middle aged” happen? Am I middle aged? Was I middle aged in high school when Karla & I listened to Amy Grant with a y-jack on the bus on choir tour?

      • Lloyd

        Yes, middle aged is when you willingly listen to Amy Grant. It happens to some people sooner than others, but it eventually happens to everyone. There are, however, some circumstances in which listening to Amy Grant does not count toward middle agedness:

        1. You do not know it is Amy Grant.
        2. Someone who is already middle aged is listening to Amy Grant and you just happen to be hearing her. (Deanne, you or Karla may use this exemption, but not both of you.)
        3. You are a DCE. (This is considered a job related hazard.)
        4. You are related to Amy Grant
        5. You are under the age of 14. (In legal terms this is known as the “Amy Grant age of consent”.)
        6. It is permissible to listen to Amy Grant as part of a dare, rite, ritual or initiation ceremony as long as you express to someone who is not already middle aged that you are doing so against your will. (Eye rolling is considered an adequate expression.)

        I think that just ab out covers it, but I don’t have my handbook with me. I’m sure someone else will post the rest of the items.

        • Deanne


        • Peggy


        • Karla

          I don’t remember that at all, which means I repressed that memory, which means I was listening against my will, which means Deanne is middle-aged, not me!

          *whew! Safe.

  3. Deanne

    That is just too awesome! Who wudda thought that you’d get to see Amy Grant at a youth dinner??!

  4. Deborah

    So you’re saying your donation basically went to buying tied beans and Amy Grant’s expense account.

  5. Beth

    I think it’s clever how you got a shot of the chandelier in the background of Amy’s picture.

    Here I thought you had completely forgotten to take a pic of that fixture. Tricksy, tricksy.

    • Annette

      I bet you want to take back your Amy Grant comment on lloydandlauren now, don’t you?

      • Beth

        Nope. Check the times. 😀

  6. Beth

    By the way…I think the 5 posts in your “uncategorized” category are a very strange mix. Why did they not make it into “Journal”?

  7. Peggy

    Hehe … you said people going.

    I got nothing.

  8. Carol

    My personal favorite AG quote from last night (I believe said in reference to her former mother-in-law, Mary Chapman): the longer one lives and the more life experience (s)he has, the easier it is to show grace to others. Amen, sister! The converse seems to be pretty true lately, too….some of you may get where I’m going with this…

    …and by the way, weren’t those tied green items baby asparagus? What sort of bean could they have been?! I tried to identify them to a member of the Veggie Tales group, but no specific character came to mind, so I’m a tad muddy on all this.

  9. Annette

    Brad, I’d like to talk to you about our program which includes some wonderful opportunities for young children. For $5,000 I’ll begin….

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