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Thousands Dead

While I was in Seward this summer, Lauren killed hundreds of aphids in her cutting garden by spraying them with poison. Their dessicated little bodies littered the leaves of the plants they had been destroying. My title of “Most Deaths of the Summer” was taken from me. By an animal pacifist.

Yesterday I regained my title. Yesterday I drained my pond. Thousands of aquatic creatures met their end as their life-giving water drained into the sewer system of Baltimore City. I think the largest number of creatures were dragonfly babies. Though I must say, I did at least wait long enough for the dragonfly nymphs born last summer to mature into adulthood. I also saw several leeches. At least I think they were leeches. I didn’t perform any tests to confirm it. Mostly I’m just going on the basis of me screaming like a little girl when I saw them.

It’s sad that so many must die, but it is for a greater good. A larger pond will harbor even more life. A larger pond will sustain countless generations of dragonfly babies. Unless the fish eat them.

Here the water is being drained:
It only stank a little.

And here, the rocks are removed:
Michele says they have a place to use the rocks!  Yay!


  1. Beth

    “It only stank a little.” Seriously? That had to be one of the more vile stenches you’ve experienced in a while…

    Except you live in a city. And visit the dump with some regularity.

    Ok, it probably only stank a little. Relatively speaking.

    • Brad

      Heh. In spite of it looking horrible, my pond was healthy. (Hence all the water creatures.) It was only when I got to the very bottom of the pond that there was some stinkiness. That’s where the leeches were. Maybe leeches stink.

  2. Deanne

    Wow, it feels like such an ending. I’m a little sad!

  3. Lauren

    Do we need to come up with some kind of secret murderer handshake?

    I’m quite impressed with the rock removal! Did you move them all to a pile and then to a vehicle, or straight into your truck?

    • Brad

      Straight into the truck. In the second picture, there’s a board leaning against the wheelbarrow that I used as a ramp into the truck.

      And I should also acknowledge Denis for his help with the rocks. It went a lot faster because he helped.

  4. Kim

    My only comment is how I laughed at your post today.
    Well done.

  5. Peggy

    Brad–You ROCK! hehe…

    (except for the killing part-repent dear son while there is still time)

    Seriously, that was A LOT of work! You’ve inspired me to create my own before & after pictures!

  6. Curt

    Leeches? How do leeches get into your pond? The only thing I know about leeches is they are parasites.

    You know, with all the death and murder talk, I would bet your web site pops up on the FBI’s radar. It would be funny if you got a visit from them, as long as you are innocent. OR are you? You do live in Baltimore.

    • Brad

      I have no idea how any of the creatures got there. I did buy some water plants from the garden center. Maybe they came in on those.

      And as to the second part of your comment, I have no comment, except to say: I love the FBI. They are my favorite government agency. I think they are all very smart and good looking. I always tell everyone what a great job they do.

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