Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


Yesterday was a late morning. After sleeping in and going to the local truck stop for a wireless internet signal and posting, I met up with everyone for a 10am talk and tour.

Our tour took us all over campus. It was striking to see how much everything was the same. I took pictures like a crazy man. I’ll eventually post them all to an internet service so I can share them with classmates. In the meantime, here are some highlights:

Here is the sign we won naming rights for at this year’s auction. We named it for two classmates who have died since graduation.

We didnt know which camera to look at.

When I was student body president, my unique accomplishment was a celebration of Arbor Day. We planted a tree. After a school-wide naming process, the tree was named Roy-Oak. Hehe… get it? This picture is actually from Friday. It shows the full height of the tree.

The Brad is for scale.

When touring the main academic building, we went past several bookshelves that had text books on them. I thought the cover of this one was hilarious. I think maybe if I studied Korean Literature, I’d get X’s for eyes as well…

Ha!  Good one, Tae Kim!

The tour included the gym, a place you wouldn’t think I’d have any memories of. The locker room actually was a place of great emotion… horrible anxiety. I had it every Friday night before football games as I worried about how much I was going to be hit.

My stomach hurts...

My stomach hurts some more...

We ended the tour with lunch in the conference room of the dorm we’re staying in. After eating, we had some fun remembering our years in high school. The old scrapbooks and photos were fun to look at.

I don't remember that...

We ended the day by hanging out in the Heidelberg Gardens and the dorm.


  1. Karla

    My favorite comment of the weekend came from Lloyd. It was about me (hence the reason it was my favorite). “Karla’s exactly the same as she was in high school. She was pregnant then, and she’s pregnant now.” I’m still giggling. 🙂

    • Peggy

      HA! Hey, did Lloyd have a love of Hawaiian shirts way back then … thus makinghim looking exactly the same?

      Roy-Oak … clever, clever class!!!

  2. Kim

    Looks like you had a great weekend-why don’t you have the next reunion at BLS? Then all your perpetual middle school friends could meet your high school friends.

  3. Brad

    This is really Lauren, because I’m using Brad’s computer and don’t want to mess up the log in. I just have to say that all of Brad and Lloyd’s classmates are just as nice as can be! Except that one.

    • Peggy

      HA! You funny!

  4. Carol

    I’m still back on you were student body president! Never realized we worked with a former BOH (big office-holder). What was your election platform, sir – a Roy-Oak on every front lawn? *wink*

    Sounds like you all had a great reunion – I am glad for you and more than a tad jealous. Whenever the BLS class of ’72 (that’s nineteen seventy two, guys…) are offered the opportunity to reunite, it’s generally Charlie W & yours truly who show up – we’re not known for our school spirit as a class, I fear. Likewise, when the CURF class of ’76 has a summer get together every 5 years (along with every other multiple of five since the dawn of time), I hardly recognize anyone – so I stopped going to be with people I don’t know.

    So, your group looks pretty accepting – maybe I’ll attend your next reunion then, eh?

  5. Beth

    I would like a complete list of those in attendance (at any time). Because I’m curious. Please?

    (And don’t die. That would suck.)

    • Deanne

      I was thinking the same thing!

  6. beth Marshall

    List of attendees…
    Lloyd & Lauren
    Beth M & Chris
    Bart Stites & Lisa
    Sam & Rachel they left the kiddies at home
    John S. & Sherry & Bella&Euene (sp)
    Craig Renno & his wife & cute daughter with another on the way
    John Reinke and his two cute girls ( daughters not two wives:)
    Karla& Aaron(sp), Anna and the baby in the belly 🙂
    Gina, her man and her two beautiful daugthers
    Sharon Block and her cute kids
    Rachel Manning, her hubby and their 3 kids (one with the same B-day as my son Darth- same age too)
    Lorrie Gove & Chris her hubby (she flew in her bro- Rick to babysit her kids while )
    Joely Trover & her hubby Kevin (they have kids but they were not there)
    Galen& his wife (kids not there)

    Did I leave anyone out from the class? This is off the top of my head.

    Folks we saw that were at the beer garden but not from our class…
    Tricia&Tonya Vogt (and mom)
    Shannon Burrows
    Kent Kunkle
    Mo& his wife who was a former dorm mom at SPLHS
    Tricia Oetting and her hubby that used to be in my youth group in Ky. They now live in Paducah.
    Kevin Rhinwald (sp)& his wife (they own the Creamy Freeze 🙂
    Jennifer Meyers and her hubby
    Ron (forgot last name) he was our freshman …
    Krista (Karla’s sis)

    Teachers&SPLHS staff from back in the day…

    Gasau (playing on the outdoor stage at the beer garden)
    Laubenstein (sp)
    Ms. Feine

    I am sure there are others that were before my time there or that I didn’t know.
    The 4yr folks will have to fill in the rest of the blanks.

    It was a wonderful time and I am so glad I went.

    • Lauren

      It was awesome to meet you, Beth. No wonder Brad likes you so much! He has good taste. (Your husband’s a pretty cool guy, too.)

    • Brad

      Thanks for the list, Beth. I’ll use this on the 1988saints site. Or you can when you post there.

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