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Yesterday I left for work at the normal time. My truck was parked in the bank parking lot. As I backed away from the curb, the bumper scraped it. The truck felt funny as I rolled backward, so I got out to see what was going on. My front left tire was completely flat. Dang.

I had a spare underneath the bed, so I went under there to get it loose. The nut holding the spare wouldn’t budge. I laid under the truck and twisted with all my might. Then I went to get gloves so I could twist harder. Nothing. Then I read the owners manual. There is a little hole above the license plate that you’re supposed to insert a crank into. Then you twist and the tire comes down easy as pie. The rest of the tire changing went pretty quickly. Good thing I leave so early. I was just in time for the kids to arrive at morning babysitting.

When I got home, I looked at the tire more closely. The hole is in the side of the tire. It looks like it was stabbed with something. Is it just coincidence that when I begin investigating the JFK murder, this would happen? Perhaps I tipped my hand too soon in regard to my friend at the restaurant the other night. I’ll have to be a little more cautious from now on…

So flat.  So dark.


  1. Beth

    And why does your truck door look like it’s a replacement part? It doesn’t match the rest of your truck one bit.

    • Michele

      That’s the first thing I noticed too Beth! You stole my comment.
      The second thing I noticed is how freakishly dark it is – Brad you are getting up WAY to early buddy!

  2. Lauren

    You are so brave to change a tire in the pitch black of early morning.

    If I were going to vandalize your truck, I’d just glue an N to the end of ‘Tacoma’.

  3. Lloyd

    I didn’t do it.

  4. Carol

    Now wait – you keep a spare tire under your bed??? Most folks find a place near the rear of the vehicle itself to……….


    …never mind……..

    …but no, I doubt that anyone, say, sending trolls to your neck of the woods in the wee hours to puncture a tire would do much more than give you a reason to stay home and do even deeper research on the JFK conspiracy – that would seem counter-productive, no? I’m sure it was purely accidental.

    –hiding all sharp objects now lest I be discovered (great use of the subjunctive mood, by the way)

  5. Deanne

    I didn’t do it either.

  6. beth Marshall

    I didn’t even wake up for all this. (note how dark it still is outside when Brad goes to work-OYVEY!)

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