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Birthday: Day Six

Wow, this year’s birthday really has staying power.

After going to school and grading in the morning, I went to a different H&M looking for the Rocketeer Jacket. I had found a coupon online, but didn’t know if they’d accept it. It didn’t have a barcode on it or anything. As I stepped into the store, the security guy handed me a full-color version of the coupon.

Twenty percent off!  Yay!

I wore it for a while when I got home. I’ll have to wait for it to get warmer before I wear it outside though. Here’s what it looks like when it’s not fully buttoned:

It makes me feel like flying a biplane or kicking mummy butt.

But wait, there’s more. When I arrived home, there was a package waiting for me. It was from California. It was an honest-to-goodness, real, live, Peggle Ultra Extreme Grand Master trophy. Thanks kiwe! Awesome!

Is the Peggle Institue Board of Regents in California?

Max had fun today, too. I finally remembered to bring home the pipe cleaner Michele gave me. HERE he is playing with it.


  1. Carol

    OK, since Ms. kiwi has put herself in charge of disseminating official trophies for spectacular achievement, I have a few nominee recipients we all know well here:

    * Peggy, for her electronic scheduling talents, tolerating and sticking with the evils of Blackbaud/Education Edge until every single middle school student had a schedule for every single class this semester…no small feat! (No, I have no idea what size shoe she wears…)

    * Michele, for her paper student scheduling talents as forenoted in these pages

    Thanks in advance for taking these nominees into consideration. We are sure the governing body in charge – whoever and wherever they are – will decide wisely.

    Off to bake a breakfast casserole for a church ladies’ group…

    • Carol

      Oh, and nice jacket. A lose button may not technically make the article “damaged”, but that “principle” thing I do understand (and I know how you love to drive). My cousin and I once left an entire month’s worth of groceries in the checkout line of a food liner in Chicago because they changed their coupon policy without posting the change in a prominent place…then drove to headquarters there to complain about this, only to be told how ungrateful we were for not appreciating the million-dollar store “they” had built for us. Never shopped there again. I’m sure the absence of our pittences (sp?) each month really hit them in their wallets, but heck – it’s the principle alrightee.

  2. Kim

    The jacket is cool.

  3. Michele

    Max is just getting started. Soon you won’t be able to follow him with your camera, because he will flying around the house with it!
    Way to go Kiwi! I think YOU deserve a trophy for that move!

  4. Peggy

    Kiwe–That is FANTASTIC!!! Absolutely SUPER COOL!!!!

    And CONGRATULATIONS on your quest achievment in record time!! Could you wear a sweater under that jacket & wear it to school Tuesday…

    In honor of your questing skills: True knight that you are!


  5. Lauren

    Hee hee! Way to go, Kiwe! That is hilarious, and I’m so impressed that you actually did it!

    How long is this amazing birthday going to last? What will happen on your 40th? Will they declare it a national holiday?

  6. kiwe

    Everything is in California!

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