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Bad Cat

I was going to post about a snack I had last night before bed, but this morning I went downstairs and saw that the dish I had put the snack in was on the living room floor… in pieces. I’m a little surprised it broke. It was a Pyrex glass custard cup. Aren’t they suppposed to be indestructable?

Apparently, Max knocked the dish off the TV tray during the night. I’m not used to him going onto TV trays. I yell at him if I ever see him try. And I do mean yell. Ned was so easy to scare. I could hiss and he’d go running. I can yell and clap and stomp my feet and Max will think I’m trying to play with him.

So anyway, now I have to clean up some glass. And I already missed Bob Ross, dang it. My Saturday is starting out a little bumpy. Good thing we have the most beautiful weather in store for the day. That should make it a good day indeed.

Returning to the scene of the crime.

Returning to the scene of the crime.


  1. Carol

    Ah, yes – isn’t it amazing how each child has his/her own personality! Former felines at our home used to be counter-jumpers. You’ve heard of the kind: just as you come home in the evening you hear a thump coming from the kitchen floor and when you round the corner innocent faces seem to say “Who, me get up on the counters while you were away? Perish the thought!” Current feline barely gets into the window ledge in the living room to watch kitty TV (birds in burning bushes in front lawn) – she’s such a good girl.

    …and hope you have slippers on while cleaning up that Pyrex (geesh, Max! Don’t know your own strength, do ya’?)!

  2. Lauren

    Dang. Broken glass is not fun to clean up. Seems like you’ve already had your ‘Bad news comes in 3’s’ (broken glass, no Bob Ross, photo troubles). Maybe you’re being haunted.

    I’m still very curious about the snack – what was it?

  3. Peggy

    Is it fair to blame Max right off the bat? Did you see him do it? Were there any eye witnesses? Maybe… Denis was walking in his sleep, or maybe your house is haunted and you have poltergeist, or maybe you dropped it yourself and have forgotten.

    Was the great snack cooked butterscotch pudding?

    • Kim

      I am sure Max did not do anything destructive, he is such a good cat. Maybe you shouldn’t have left your dirty dishes around? Hmm?

      • Michele

        Yeah – perhaps your title should be “Bad Brad” !!

  4. Lauren

    Um, bad news comes in 4’s. 4 – all your friends turn on your character. 😉

    • Lauren

      Dang. ‘Turn’ should have been ‘rip’.

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