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Tears of Joy

Yesterday morning St. John Lutheran School in Seward celebrated its 125th anniversary. Because so many people would attend, Sunday worship was held in Concordia University’s new athletic facility. Everyone was encouraged to wear red (St. John colors). Fortunately, Beth tipped me in on the red shirt thing, so I was prepared.

The service was awesome.

When I worship at St. John Church, I’m always worried that we’ll sing a hymn to the Ash Grove tune (“Let All Things Now Living” or “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing”). When that has happened in the past, I cry while I’m singing because it’s so joyous compared to how the tune is played at my church. Because of the celebratory nature of yesterday’s service, I was crying during any bit of music, including the short liturgical pieces. Good grief! I just kept wiping my eyes and hoping that people weren’t noticing. I sat next to Curt. If he noticed, he politely ignored me. Thanks, Curt.

The outside of the new athletic facility. It’s massive.
See Harold, Beth, and Tara?

The inside of the arena.
See all the red?


  1. Carol

    How wonderful and amazing in this day and age that there are congregations that still meet en masse and to such numbers – praise God! Glad you were home to be part of that, Brad. I’d’ve probably cried, too (but, then, that’s not saying much, is it?)

    As for your malady, it sounds like you suffer from Wegner-itis, which then causes the lacrimal glands to leak when exposed to music delivered in a less heavy, plodding manner elsewhere. The only cure for that would seem to be a Wegner-ectomy, but I know that’s not likely until “someone” plays his way into Glory (how old is that guy by now?!). Now at our little church we have sort of the opposite. That causes me to weep at the sound of “real” music played on “real” instruments, but I digress…

  2. Michele

    Yay for glorious music and church services that make you cry! Our interim rector is on vacation and so the rector that retired years ago from our church after 20 years of service there was our guest rector. It caused other former parishioners to come out of hiding, two from the choir. They joined the choir for the service and they sang a beautiful offeratory anthem – it was awesome.

    Oh, and we sang a “new” song they had printed up on a piece of paper inside the bulletin – I’m convinced it’s a Lutheran hymn because I remember singing it in the past. Our organist is Lutheran.

    Back to your awesome service – I think those not wearing red should have to sit in the back – it’s distracting! Kidding. I’m super impressed with the number in attendance. If only …

  3. Deanne

    We had the Ash Grove tune in our wedding – love it.

  4. Lloyd

    With cousin pastor Steve expecting, Sunday services at the family reunion were left to Sam and I. They had a thousand copies of the hymnal suplement, so we used responsive prayer.

    We went with Children of the Heavenly Father, Great is thy Faithfulness, and Eternal Father Strong to Save (the navy hymn). Afterwards Uncle Mahlon told us that he didn’t know any of those songs. He was playing the Navy Hymn on the harmonica the night before. The tag line for the Sommerer Family Website is going to be, “quit your damn bitching.”

    • Deanne

      Cousin Pastor Steve expecting? Steve from my class? How does that work?

      • Lauren

        I didn’t know he was expecting. I thought he was just skipping because of all the crabbing.

      • Beth

        Apparently you had a very bad health teacher in school. And your pregnancies must have come as quite a surprise, yes? πŸ˜‰

        • Karla


        • Deanne

          That’s why I was asking how that all worked… Clearly I missed something in Health, too. with Barb Eckhoff! I wonder where she is these days…

  5. Brent

    Perhaps you were misting up because you had never heard a bass guitar play along with organ pedal notes before…

    • Lauren


  6. Lloyd

    This is Lauren. I’m too lazy to log out and log in. I’m totally bummed that we missed the service! I bet it was wonderful, and I never pass up a chance to watch Brad cry.

  7. Peggy

    That’s awesome that you were there for such a nice celebration!

    I’m a huge tearer (I think when tears are running down your face, it may be called crying) when singing songs in church. And the more I try to hold it in, the more it flows. And even after all these years, and everyone knows I do it…I’m still embarrassed. Why is that?

    And I have the worst eyes for crying…they red up & get puffy instantly…then I scare everyone…sheesh….I’m never going to church again!

  8. Curt

    I never looked over at you but I did notice you were rubbing your head. It didn’t concern me much, so I just came up with the conclusion that you were trying to keep youself awake. It was a long service, but very very good.

    Sometimes I’ll get a tear when certain hymns are sung. I think it started when we sang my favorite hymn (Savior Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise) at my grandma’s funeral.

    • Michele

      Curt – Brad’s primary method of keeping himself awake is to stand up – did you witness any behavior like that?

  9. Karla

    Thine the Amen gets me every time. I’m just a blubbering mess by the end of it. πŸ™

    Oh, and the National Anthem makes me tear up as well. Does that make me a freak or patriotic? I don’t know.

    • Deanne

      Patriotic. Say, I haven’t checked your blog in a while. Any new pics posted? I know you haven’t put away your camera…

      • Karla

        No. Vista was eating my pictures so we had to figure out how to get around that. Our solution, after fighting the graphics card and display driver, was to get an iMac. Unfortunately, we got it the day before Arron started his next round of graduate classes. So I’m going to have to update the blog from the laptop. I was up late last night updating the pictures on it so I can get to work after the kiddos go to bed. (The laptop runs on XP, in case you were wondering.)

        In other news, did you hear I have two blood clots in my ankle? I have an appointment in Indy later this month with a hematologist because my doc thinks it’s fishy.

        • Karla

          Maybe we should just email each other, eh? πŸ˜‰

  10. Deborah

    I was at this service, too. Very, very well done. Charles is getting a copy of the sermon. I cried like a baby when the school kids came down from above with their banners.
    P.S. You can see me in the last picture. I’m sitting down below in a navy blue shirt. (No one told me about the red.)

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