Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

A Surprisingly Full Day

Yesterday started out in Omaha. There was an auction for Omaha public schools. Lloyd had to go. He ended up getting a strobe light and a tripod. There weren’t many other people there. We marveled at the biker family. Lauren and I went to a grocery store. I got some grapes.

Lots and lots of overhead projectors.

After coming back to Seward and taking a nap, we worked in the garden a little. The smaller plants are in, and the mulch is almost done. Lauren got to use some of her crazy-person-rain-barrel-water. I’ll do a final “after” picture when it’s all together.

I'm hoping the hostas will hold back the grass.

At night, Charles and Harold came over and we played Settlers of Catan (Classic). It was almost hard to remember the non-expansion rules. My game started out spectacularly when I was able to stack all my non-used game pieces in one single Tower of Doom! As far as I was concerned, I had already won the game. But we continued anyway, and Lloyd won. But not before I had worked my way into a position of not being able to do anything. Yay, me!

One of my finest creations.


  1. Lloyd

    It was a strange auction. There were about 60 people there, and they were giving things away that I had spent $20.00 a few years ago.

    Before we installed video projectors in the classrooms, I would buy overhead projectors at auctions for $10.00 to $25.00 each. Omaha Public Schools must have installed projectors in a few schools, because they had around 300 here and they were giving them away with the carts on which they were stacked. Buy a AV cart for $10 and get 10 overhead projectors for “free”.

    • Carol

      STOP! I’m cryin’ here! If only the shipping and handling to get them from there to here wouldn’t probably negate the cost of “free”, I’d be frustrated that Brad didn’t buy a few dozen while he was there. Last spring the bulb for my OHP ran $15! Sigh…..

  2. Lauren

    I’m glad you won the game, Brad.

    The biker family had a mama with a rather profane saying on her t-shirt. I was mad at her for that. I wished a horrible stomachache on her, but Brad got it instead after he ate all his grapes.

  3. Peggy

    Crazy-person-rain-barrel-water….HA! I think you should market that stuff. Come up with a great slogan & it’s gold! People will buy it…hey, we buy bottled water don’t we!

  4. Michele

    Yay for cheap stuff Lloyd!
    Yay for casting spells Lauren!
    Yay for Settlers and your awesome tower Brad!

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