Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Some Bad, Some Good

My travels were not bad, but there was turbulence. First, there was some turbulence on the way into Chicago. It was weird because it seemed like the pilot was diving at a rather steep angle and trying to punch through the clouds quickly instead of slowly bumping through them. I think that made the time of turbulence shorter, so I appreciated the pilot’s efforts. But thinking we were diving into the ground freaked me out.

The flight from Chicago to Baltimore was absolutely filled with turbulence. It was of two varieties: “bumpy road” and “wing rocking”. It wasn’t that extreme, but it was enough that I couldn’t sleep, and I had even taken some Dramamine. On the car trip home from the airport, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

But I did stay awake long enough to open my suitcase and remove my most precious cargo: a daylily. I had been admiring some daylilies up the street from Harold and Beth’s house. Beth asked the neighbor about it, and the neighbor said I could have one. I packed it my suitcase. It survived. Woo hoo!

A little squashed, but otherwise fine.

I tried several times, but couldn’t capture the color of these daylilies in a picture. There is an orangeness to the yellow that I have trouble describing. It delights me.

I stopped and stared at them every time I walked by.


  1. Lauren

    ‘Wing rocking’?? I wasn’t even aware that that was an option. That sounds horrible.

    I’m glad that you are home safe, but sad that you’re gone. Nobody is sitting on the sofa with a laptop. Booooooo. πŸ™

  2. Beth

    Not Dead!!

    Sorry about the turbulence. Eegads.

    But happy about that daylily. I agree. Capturing the color of those beauties may be impossible. It’s almost irridescent orange. It’s breathtaking.

  3. Michele

    By pure coincidence, last night we watched a rented movie called “Passengers” about a plane crash. After that we watched a TV show that had a turbulent plane scene that was touch and go for a while. I turned to Casey and said, “I just realized that Mr. Royuk is flying home tonight. Maybe this wasn’t a good choice!”

    So glad you made it home safe and sound. πŸ™‚

  4. Carol

    If you need a day lily “fix” before your new transplant again blooms, on the far right side of our front garden we currently have a small patch blooming and peaking from behind the overgrown evergreens – feel free to drive by and feast your eyes. Oh, and any spontaneous weed-pulling that might strike you would be fine as well. Thanks in advance.

    We thought of you about 7:15 EDT last night while driving to Oregon Ridge – after three sightings of lightning and rain drops on the windshield, we quickly pulled back onto I-83 and went home instead of sitting outdoors for the concert – we hoped you were on the ground by then, as we figured turbulence would be nasty. Hope you were not trying to catch shrimp in your mouth or anything similar during the rocking and bumping, were you?

    Bet Max was happy to see you, even if you were a light shade of green with drool from fighting sleep hanging from the corner of your mouth when you arrived home. (“Well, thanks for that image!”)

    Welcome back!

  5. Karla

    What airport did you have a layover at in Chicago? If it was Midway, that was the reason for your quick accent – it’s a really tight airport with houses all around it.

  6. Peggy

    That flower is beautiful!! I would even call it delicious!! It looks like a tangerine-lemon chiffon dessert!

    Welcome home!!

  7. Lauren

    The top that you chopped off that lily is starting to open. It’s very Little-Shop-of-Horrors-like right now.

    • Brad

      Send me a picture when it’s open. Maybe not being in the sun will make an oranger picture. (Is it “oranger” or “more orange”? What are the rules with color words?)

  8. Lauren

    Oh, and I forgot to add my two cents in that I think the color is like a orange dreamsicle.

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