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This Far… No Further

WARNING: Long, ranting post follows.

I left school especially early yesterday so I could get to the dump and empty my truck. It’s been full of garden clippings since Saturday, when I was once again turned away because the containers were all full. I was still bothered enough that I even wrote an email to the Director of the Baltimore City Department of Public Works yesterday. I was friendly and pleasant in my email, but I wanted to at least let him know what was happening on a regular basis.

'I appreciate the convenience of a site close to me.  Thank you for continuing to offer it.'

Anyway, I rushed out of school quickly enough to get to the dump by 3:45. I figured I’d be in good shape. The dump doesn’t close until 5pm. …or does it? When I got there, there were traffic cones across the entrance. After I sat in confusion for a while, a man came out to talk to me. He said all the drivers had gone home, the containers were full, and they were closed for the day. I bit back angry words, but didn’t mask my body language. I told him I had been turned away already on Saturday. He laughed and said that was how Baltimore City government worked.

What the what?

In case you didn't catch the time on the dashboard clock.

Now, I fear the government as much as anybody. Probably more. But I was mad. If a regular person left their job two hours early, they would be reprimanded. They certainly wouldn’t be paid. And they wouldn’t tell the customer to just deal with it. So I called the Solid Waste division of the Department of Public works. I asked when the Bowleys Lane dropoff site closed. The woman said 5pm. I said I had just been there and it was closed. She put me on hold for a while and tried to find out what was going on. She came back on to ask me some more questions. I told her about being turned away on Saturday and I told her the reason the man gave for turning me away yesterday. The director of the Solid Waste division was in the background.

At first they were going to take my name. That made me a little nervous, but I was ready to do it. But then the woman I was talking with gave me their names instead. When I go back today, if there is a problem I am to ask for the site manager by name. Then I am to tell him that the director (by name) has said he must find a way to take my yard clippings. And if I don’t get satisfaction, I have two phone numbers to call.

I’m really nervous about a confrontation, but I’m also sick of the idea that these dump workers can do whatever the heck they feel like. Is there really no accountability? Unacceptable! The line must be drawn here!


  1. Lauren

    Woo-hoo!!! Way to take action, citizen!! I’m impressed by your chutzpah. I hope this fixes that terribly broken situation and you get satisfaction. If not, move to Nebraska – you can burn clippings here.

  2. Lloyd

    Well, this practically guarantees that your next trip will go smoothly. But at least you’re ready for all of the next times.

  3. Beth

    I was a little bit afraid of being Rick-Rolled…

    But I agree whole-heartedly. The line must be drawn heeya.

    • Brad

      Hehe… I say that line all the time, and that’s exactly how I say it.

      I forgot how emotional that scene is. I’m going to have to rent that movie again. Heck, I should just buy it.

      …or do I already own it?

  4. The American People



  5. The American Government


  6. The City Dump

    Hehe….you funny! We got your line right here!

  7. Peggy

    You are our Army of One!! I salute you as you prepare for your mission this afternoon!


  8. Carol

    Do you want reenforcements company this afternoon? Safety in numbers and all that.

    Or, just go to the Cockeysville dump instead! They didn’t check residency when we went, did they? (Sorry Kim…but you guys do have the better dump…as dumps go…)

    (Here I am inciting law breaking. My Dad’s probably rolling over…)

  9. Brad

    Woo hoo! Dump achieved!

    The workers were efficient and friendly and polite. They even insisted on the visitors to be polite: when someone accidentally threw something too far and almost hit someone else, the worker insisted he apologize.

    There were four citizens emptying loads while I was there. Everything was wonderful, and all it took was two wasted visits, an email and a phone call.

    • Peggy

      Woo Hoo & Whew! After I didn’t hear back from you, I got worried that maybe the dump workers left early again today & as you tried to call to report it…you were pulled from the truck…beaten…and left for dead in a partially empty container. (Container A: twigs, hoses, a toilet, Broken Bloody Brad, boxes)

      Do you suppose the director called this morning & chewed out the dump workers?

  10. Karla

    Were you afraid you’d be assimilated and become a mean city dump worker yourself?

    Don’t forget, those folks work for you, the taxpayer. Way to make them do their job!

  11. Lauren

    Hooray! I’m so proud!

    And, because I am a child, “heh heh – you all said dump”.

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