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Gardening Day of Fun

Yesterday was a freakishly warm day. It was perfect for gardening.

In the morning, I went out to my garden. I planted the Blue Sea Holly roots that had been sitting in my house for a week and a half. Only one of them died during the wait to be planted. I also moved some already established plants. I weeded a little, but I haven’t gotten my garden muscles back yet, so I couldn’t sustain that effort for very long.

Some of my plants were still showing damage from the snow. I removed a squashed rosemary and I tied two other evergreens with pantyhose. I had a ton of pantyhose that Michele used in a game at our last Activity Night at school. I used almost all of it to fix one of my garden treasures – my Umbrella Pine.

I wish I had taken a 'before' picture.  The change is dramatic.

I tied half the branches.  It took forever.

After all the fun gardening in the morning, I decided to have even more fun. I went to visit the legendary Lilypons Water Gardens. This mail-order garden center is known for their water lilies, lotus, and other plants. It’s only an hour and fifteen minutes away. I have wanted to visit for a long time, but had never done it. Until yesterday.

Cue the music...

It was great to be there. They have huge ponds full of lilies and other plants. A visit in the summer when everything is blooming would be magical.

Since I’m supposed to be saving money for a new oil tank, I was not irresponsible and did not buy a lotus. Not. I got one called ‘Chastity’. It’s a small red lotus. (Actually it’s pink, but the industry calls dark pink lotus flowers red).


  1. Beth

    Um. And there’s no picture of the lotus?

    (Even without the boom, it seems it would be polite for the company.)

  2. Lauren

    Holy cow – it all look so lush and green.

    What kind of game needs a ton of pantyhose? Red Rover – bank robber style? “Red rover, red rover, put the money in the duffle bag…”

  3. Karla

    I don’t know why, but all the pantyhose made me think of our local mystery – the shoe corner. People are always dumping shoes there. Sometimes the sheer quantity of shoes laying around is amazing!


    Sorry for the thread jack. 😉

  4. Karla

    Did my comment not get posted because I had a link in it? Or is it because you’re approving them all before showing? What’s up?

    • Lauren

      Did you have pantyhose over your head when you wrote it? It might not have recognized you.

      • Karla

        How did you know that? Stupid Mac with its built in camera…

    • Brad

      Sorry. I don’t know why, but it was stuck in the spam box.

  5. Margaret Koogle


    Thanks for visiting us yesterday and enjoy your lotus!


    • Brad

      Holy cow! Margaret is president of Lilypons Water Gardens everybody!

      Thanks for the comment, Margaret!

    • Lauren

      Hello, Margaret! 🙂

  6. Carol

    Aren’t you glad you really did enjoy your visit to LWG? ‘Cuz if you hadn’t, and had said anything to that effect here, and dear Margaret net-searched for their business name and found your blog posting…oooo…awkward moment. But now that you have enjoyed your visit, and the president even thanked you for coming…I guess we’ll all know where to look for you on weekends or any time you have 75 minutes each way plus shopping time to throw around. Congrats!

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