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Baby Fruits

I take an evening walk in my garden every day now. It’s my happy place.

My Northpole Apple Trees and Golden Sentinel Apple trees are are growing well. They are branching a little bit. I don’t know if I should prune them so that there’s only one leader branch or if I should just leave them alone. They bloomed at different times. I was worried that they wouldn’t get pollinated. The catalog said they would pollinate each other, but that surely can’t happen if they’re blooming at different times, right?

As it turns out, it may not have mattered. Both varieties of tree have tiny apple-bump thingies where the flowers used to be. I think I may actually get some apples this year. Cherries AND apples? I have peaches too! I have the beginnings of a fruit salad going on!

Ignore the trash and weeds in the background.  No time for that.

How 'bout THEM apples?


  1. Lauren

    I am SOOOO jealous! That is incredibly cool!

    My parents – and also the people around them who grow fruit for a living – have had a terrible spring. (Fruit orchards are a big deal in western Colorado.) The evening temperatures have dipped below freezing so the blossoms have been in danger. My dad tried covering the trees (they’re dwarf trees) with tarps and running some heaters, but they’re just not sure what will happen with the fruit.

    There. I hijacked your happy post with a sad story. You’re welcome.

  2. Peggy

    They’re so cute! Like little Adam’s apples.

    Q. Did Eve ever have a date with Adam?
    A. No, it was an apple.

  3. Carol

    Fruit trees in the backyard are indeed a wonderful thing. Pleasant childhood memories include a huge vegetable garden (including strawberries), a plum tree and a peach tree, all of which yielded fresh goodies all summer and the need for Grandmom to can every autumn. (Unpleasant ones center around an Easter bunny who eventually wound up on our dinner table, but I digress…)

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