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Danger Cake

There was a left-over cake in the workroom after school yesterday. It was a humongous sheet cake that used to say “We can only go up from here” on it, but a third of the cake had been eaten. The frosting was white with red words and accents and a giant red hot air balloon. I didn’t eat any because my stomach is so empty by the time school ends that I easily get an acid stomach if I’m not careful about what I eat.

On my way out the door, I stopped by Michele’s room to say goodbye, and Michele’s son David was talking about the cake. He said the red frosting burned his throat and left an indescribably bad taste in his mouth. He insisted that I try it. Always up for a food dare, I put a little on a plastic knife and tasted it.

Nothing. At first it tasted like nothing. Then it tasted like photography chemicals. I smacked my lips a little to savor the flavors. The after taste reminded me of the smell of a hardware store… bug poison and rubber. Then I felt the tingle and the burn. Everywhere the frosting had touched my tongue felt funny. It was hot and itchy. And then it was slightly numb. I felt like I had just returned from the dentist’s office.

What is going on with that frosting? It’s the weirdest frosting I’ve ever had.
I want to try it again.

If I ate more than this small amount would it kill me?


  1. Carol

    You actually know the taste of things like photography chemicals and hardware store floors? You are a unique critter alrightee…

    What event was this? Maybe the text was a reference to heaven (if one actually are more than a single piece they would die)?

  2. Lauren

    Maybe the phrase on the cake was referring to heaven, and the killer baker was just trying to rush your souls along.

  3. Karla

    Whenever Mom was making a cake, she would NEVER let us eat any flowers made from red frosting. She said she had to use so much food coloring to get it a good red color that it would only taste like food coloring.

  4. Kristi

    I have a friend who uses cayenne pepper to get the red color.

  5. Peggy

    Yay…not dead from cake! Death by cake…that would be pretty ingenius though.

    I LOVE cake! And now my love has been tainted…must let cake bring a smile to myself again.


    • Brad

      HAHAHA! “If you eat a whole pizza, people say, ‘Wow, you were hungry!’ but if you eat a whole cake people say, ‘You’ve got a problem!'”

      I should try eating a whole cake for dinner some time.

  6. Michele

    I remember my mother’s friend always warning us back in the 70’s to watch out for red dye #something or other. My mother used to make fun of her behind her back saying she was a worry wart. I guess she figured, “How much worse could it be than eating hotdogs?”

    • Michele

      We ate hotdogs a lot! We were poor. Spam was also a favorite!

  7. Carol

    Since there was SO much of that danger cake left today, I had to cut myself a cube before leaving campus. The only red frosting was from along the edged. I took a forkful. By the time it reached my tongue, though, it was headed for the trash can. You actually, voluntarily ATE that?! It tasted like…well…the funny tasting water that I filled my plastic bottle with from our one decent water fountain earlier today. Definitely laced with carcinogens. I dumped that, too. Or is this just my body’s reactions to all the blessed meds I’ve been one this year to whoop the doggone germs that won’t leave me alone?!?! (“Simmer down now…simmer down!”)

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