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Trial and Error

I worked on the computer room ceiling again yesterday. The joint compound was dry, so now it was a matter of smoothing it.

At first I tried sanding. It was difficult to get a smooth surface. The sander kept leaving tracks. Besides that, there was a LOT of dust. Yuck.

Next, I tried a wet sponge. It worked, but it took a whole lot of rubbing. By the time the joint compound started wearing down, the paper on the drywall was getting wet.

I went to the store for some more options. I saw something called a “rasp”. It was like a cheese grater for drywall. It scraped the joint compound off, but also scratched the paper.

Next I tried a scrubbing sponge. It worked great! The joint compound got soft from the water, then scraped off smoothly from the scrubbies. Nice. I used the scrubbing sponges on the whole ceiling. But I was very sore by the time I finished. And it wasn’t entirely bumpless. I was going to work on it some more today, but Denis really wants to take a shot at it. I wouldn’t mind that. Not at all. 🙂

The sponge is a Scotch-Brite product called 'Dobie'.


  1. Lauren

    “…I’ve tried soaking, even scrubbing…” What commercial is that from?

    This ceiling sounds like a lot of trouble. You should just move.

    • Curt

      Is it the scrubbing bubbles commercial?

  2. Carol

    Ingenious! I love reading about folks finding unconventional uses for kitchen sink acoutrements. Good job, sir – now, go ice that arm again…

    Seriously, be careful while doing extended time on a ladder and working on your ceiling. Yesterday we visited friends, the wife of the pair a retired art teacher. She had worked 33 hours over 3 weeks on the ceiling in their bedroom, putting clouds and sky effects on it (gorgeous really) and managed to blow out her knee in the process – just over-irritated the bursa in one knee from standing and reaching up so much. She now has a permanent lump on the back of her leg behind the right knee. So, you’ve been warned. Don’t want your wrestling coaching career to be cut short because of the need to sand a ceiling…

  3. Peggy

    Can’t wait to see the finished product! It will look just great I’m sure!

    And on the bright side, you must now have arms like Arnold, or Lou, or Popeye (after spinach). You could uproot an Oak tree like it was a weed…you manly man you!

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