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An Old Threat

Yesterday was Field Trip Day for the Middle School. I went with the seventh graders. We went to downtown Baltimore for a visit to the Maryland Historical Society and the Science Center. Both places were great. The MHS has one of three remaining original uniforms from the revolutionary war. I stood mere inches from it, separated from it by only a simple pane of glass. It was cool. It was also tiny. People were so small back then. The Science Center was fun, too, but it was tiring. I didn’t have a chaperone group to watch, so I circulated. It was a lot of walking.

The bus trip was okay, but I was nervous. The bus driver was displaying the Clinging Gecko sigil. That sign is almost as obvious as the Standing Lion: it marked the driver as Japanese Illuminati. They haven’t shown their faces around me for a while. Why now? What are they up to?

When I took this picture, I pretended to be looking at pictures on my camera so I wouldn't rouse the driver's suspicions.


  1. Lauren

    Well, you’re obviously in the J.I.’s sights now. Either they want you to die, or to join. What will you choose?

    By the way, are those bungee cords a vital part of holding the bus together?

  2. Peggy

    Fear not the Japanese Illum. & their silly lions & geckos . Relax instead with the Chinese way of thinking:

    “Anything not pertaining to elephants is irrelephant.”

    • Brad

      Ha! I read your quote too fast the first time.

  3. Lloyd

    I think it’s safe to say that the J.I now knows about your stance on Silly Bands?

  4. Carol

    Are you sure that wasn’t just his insurance card?

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